chapter 8 ~ Fire, Fire, Fire

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I was named after a crazy queen

who threw herself on the fire

Finally, the day has arrived, a Lacrosse match. Everyone is eager to watch it. The playground is safe for the players. Lowe's family arrived at the ground and searching for a place to sit and watch their brother. Lacrosse means a world to Caleb.

" Char-lotte" Jason called Charlotte, spotting her standing alone.

" Coming" she winked at him. Before they started to talk, Scott interrupted them unknowingly.

" Wanna join us?" charlotte offered. With a nod, he sat next to her. Jason glared at him in frustration. He thought he could spend some more time with her.

" Oh no," Scott gasped all of a sudden.

"What's wrong" Jason spoke to him for the first time.

" Did you mind if I support Raven's team?" Scott asked in hesitation.

" Seriously man, I won't be accepting it if you aren't my friend. But you are, so be it." Charlotte responded to him. She doesn't ask about who's he going to cheer?

" I heard you have many exam papers to prepare? did you finished it?"

" Nope. I will do it after the match," after some minutes care passed around everyone giving juice to drink and watch the match.

" I need one." Scott raised his hand and gave that juice to charlotte.

" Don't you need it,"

" No" he simply said seeing Jason glaring at him. Scott understood he is disturbing them and stayed silent the remaining time.

" I need to learn violin," Jason asked her even though he knows he's not interested in it.

" Yeah for sure. Then you need to teach me swimming," Charlotte asked him even though she hated submerged in water.

"I will do only if we are alone in the whole pool" she raised an eyebrow at him.

While on the other side Chloe is waiting for Ruby with Ian and Taylor. Ruby rushed to them climbing the stairs in a fairy dress with wide-opened wings smiling broadly at them.

" Oh my gosh. What's this costume?" Chloe asked in shook. Ruby looking stunning. She itself can't resist staring at her friend.

" It represents the wings team. A huge support to them," she twirls around in her blur-fairy dress. She looks like a young girl who escaped from a fairytale story.

" Caleb will faint if he sees you in this dress." Chloe teased her taking a seat in the front row.

" I already saw him." she blushed read and looked down.

" Then I think you two already got room to make out," Ian intruded.

" We didn't, Ian" she got embarrassed. They stopped asking her question once the game started. But Ruby was a little bit distracted and thought about how Caleb reacted to her dress.


Caleb was about to put his helmet on in a shed near the playground when Ruby emerged from behind and touched his shoulder.

" Here you are. You are..." he lost in words.

" You should play well and win this game." she encouraged him. Without a reply, he took some steps forward and kissed her passionately. One hand on her wrist and other on her hair. Somehow, the wings seem disturbing for them to touch each other. Soon, both are breathless.

" So, I should leave now or you will be distracted," she said twirling the little bit of her red hair with her fingers.

" Iam already got distracted," he leaned to kiss her again.

" stop, you will spoil my dress." she laughed and took some steps backward. Instantly, Caleb sat on the nearby table and ordered her to sit on his lap. they both are so close, staring at each other's eyes. He brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck, collarbone. Ruby moaned low and didn't tell him to stop. They kept on kissing until they both heard footsteps approaching the shed.

" I should go. All the best. You are gonna rock it" she gave him a quick kiss and left him speechless.

Back to the current moment, Ruby concentrated on the match without letting any thoughts getting into her. Everyone was silent. Raven and Wings team are getting equal in scores. It feels like the game is going on for an eternity. But nobody expected the game will be stopped?

It all happened in a flash of seconds, the crack in the ground appeared once again even after all the construction work was done. The crack lined up till the end of the playground. All of a sudden, a house next to the ground falls apart. There's a gasp around all the people who are watching them. The house crumbled to the ground hitting many players including Caleb. It fell right at the same place it happened a week ago. Many players got inside the crumbled building. Within a blink of an eye, the house caught up in the fire. It's started burning. The principal called the ambulance and the fire engine. Nobody knows how to save them all. Everyone came to rescue. Soon the whole place, trees started to burn. Most of them are trying to extinguish the fire. Stopping the fire and rescuing the players at the same time is a difficult job.

" This isn't happening " Ruby ran to the ground and straight in the burning house without anyone noticing her gone missing.

" Ruby's gone. We should go and save Caleb and her." Chloe shouted from her throat once she realized Ruby's not there with them. Everyone knows Ruby will do anything for Caleb. Caroline, Charlotte, Chloe, everyone other friends reunited. They will do anything for their brother but Ruby is so far ready to sacrifice her life for Caleb.

" Students, please don't go inside," Scott ordered everyone standing in front of the house.

"We should go inside. My brother is still there. It's not even one week discharging him from the hospital," Charlotte shouted angrily.

" It's not safe to go there. They will safe him. Believe it. believe me." Jason hugged and assured her. Her eyes are black by the spread of her make-up from sobbing. She hugged him tighter hoping they would save him.

The cracks are getting wider while the house is burning higher. Some of the rescuers went inside the house and saved some players. but all are in a crucial stage. they are burn marks all around there body. fortunately, their head is protected by the helmet. But their body is burned so much it hurts like hell.

" There's no sign of Caleb," Chloe sobbed falling on the ground.

" And also Ruby. She has gone inside too," Taylor anxiously said.

" Iam going to help," said Bill to care. Before she can respond, he charged towards the house with the other rescuers. Mostly all the things are burnt in the house. Suddenly something fells next to Bill's feet panicking him for fear of life.

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