chapter-02 ~ hot swimming teacher

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 We got that good love

We got that hood love

We got that hot love

- Ariana Grande

Care leaned on the dishwasher inside the caffeine while Clary noticed her worried look. "You should have not slapped him," she spoke after a minute of silence. But Care thought what she did was right. She and her sister are earning in their family for their living. Their parents died a few years ago. So she just ignored Clary and went to work.

Charlotte is walking towards her class in the hallway crossing all the students who are talking, chatting, etc... she opened the case of her violin and got hold of it. Everyone stayed silent and watched her playing it smoothly. The music filled the whole room which is so pleasant to hear. Charlotte the violinist has been the best and likable one. when the bell rang, she left the class and someone bumped into her.

"Oh my goodness " she steadied herself and looked at the person.

"Hey, I need your help right now" Chloe showed some application forms and gave it to her.

" I can't help " she resisted.

" I have a painting class, so give this to the newly joined swimming madam. It's principle's order " she left in a hurry without waiting for a reply.

" Who do you think I am? a servant " Charlotte scolded her sister in mind and walked towards the swimming pool. She doesn't like swimming. She thinks it will spoil her hair and makeup. When she entered the pool.

She searched for a girl couch as her sister told. But all she can see is students jumping into water continuously. She reached near the end to ask someone about the new couch. Suddenly someone pushed her down into the water. The application form slipped out of her hands. She screamed in fear and submerged in water. But the feet aren't long as she thinks. She shouted " who's responsible for this?" as soon as her face was above the water.

" Iam so sorry " a young boy in a swimming suit jumped in the water next to her.

"Seriously, I want to see the new couch. Where is she? " she commanded to him without looking at him.

"That's me and I am Jason, not a girl," he said without taking his eyes off her. When she looked at him she searched for the right words. " I came to give you the application. But where is it now?" she gone inside the water once more.

Jason got her arms and made her look at him. " The forms aren't in the water and it's not important. I have the copy " he explained and brushed some of her hair out of her face. She just looked at him in wonder.

" I need a dress to change," she said innocently which is not her type at all.

" I will get you one" he smiled at her. He doesn't know she's a teacher too. He thought her as a student. He helped her get a dress for her and she changed it. But her make-up is spoiled. She wants to look like a prom queen in front of boys especially in front of Jason. After she came out of the dressing room, Jason is waiting outside for her. she can't stop staring at him with only his swimwear.

" why can't you join in swimming class," he asked without thinking.

" What? Iam a violin teacher" she laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't know that till now. So you are not a student"

" Iam not. I graduated in college and working here and it isn't a shock that Iam so young like a high school girl," with every word she spoke he wants to know more about her. Both are in roshord town but never met each other.

" Whatever, I need to meet you again, and what's your name?"

" I didn't introduce myself. That's so bad. Iam..." she stepped closer to him.

" Okay couch, you can do this afterward. We need to practice" a boy interrupted them. He did on purposefully, there's no doubt in it.

" You heard him right. Bye," she winked at him and turned away.

" What's your name again?" he eagerly asked her.

" Find out yourself," she said without looking at him. She wants him to find her again. It's not hard. Both are working in the same school. Jason also wants to know her name, meet her again.

After making these two meet each other without knowing, Chloe is drawing a beautiful rose in the school garden.

"How's the practice? " she asked Sookie and Sara. They both joined her " That's good but why are you drawing this? It's not your today's lesson in class."

" It's just roses and I don't know why am I drawing this " she stated. " It feels like it as something to do with my life" she added.

" Ha, don't overthink about a rose," said Sara.

ring. ring.

Ruby's face popped on her phone. " Hey, we are practicing a mix-up song. Can you come if you are free? "

" Iam free, I will be there" Chloe gladly replied. Chloe looked at her friends hoping they would accompany her.

" Don't ask anything. We are not interested " Sookie snapped. When it comes to ruby nobody wants to talk with her expect Chloe's sisters and brother. Ruby is like their family to them and also she is Caleb's girlfriend. Their younger brother loves her more than anything.

" Fine. Iam, not compelling anyone. See you later" she smiled at him even though she hates this behavior.

She reached the long music hall through the hallway. All the seats are empty. Ruby and her band friends Ian and Taylor singing along with her.

" Isn't something that when I get more when giving you nothing.

Isn't magic that when I stop looking for it happens.

baby, he feels from grace. landed right in your place.

kiss me so many times that I will forget your taste.

you are only lonely now you aren't one that holds me. only lonely ahhh.

Havana oh na na. half of my heart is in Havana oh na na. he took me back to East Atlanta na na na all of my heart is in Havana .my heart is in Havana.

Havana oh na na na".

" Wow, amazing" Chloe clapped her hands walking towards them. Ruby shyly smiled.

" You sang Camila mash-up song. I love it" she praised three of them. Ian was playing the piano, Taylor was singing and playing guitar. Ruby's voice is the sweetest thing ever.

" What's your new drawing? It seems something familiar" Ian stepped towards her and took her painting book from her hands.

"It's just roses," she told this a million times.

" I know that, stupid. But you have drawn the background of Roshord graveyard. See for yourself" he gave that to her.  


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