Two Years Ago

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Chapter 9
***this part was taken from the final chapter of LOVECIRCUS:FIRST PAGE

Hui: i wont let you hurt Blue again. I can see now why Miracle gave up on you! Cause you're crazy!
T. S: (laugh) i know how much you lobe Blue, so what will you feel when you I kill him now? (point the gun to blue). I think even if i die today when i kill this love of your life i think it will be worth it as you will also feel the pain that I've been through.
Hui: it will not bring Miracle anymore. It will not help you release the pain inside your heart. It will not remobe the guilt inside you! Just let Blue go Third.
T. S: goodbye(smile)

[present, Rainbow Ground]
Ford: Blue?
Ezekiel: Where am i? Where are they?
Ford: dont move Blue you need to rest.
Ford: Blue listen to me its been more than two years now. Those guys doesnt deserve you. Its better for you not to meet them again. Now take a rest(leave the room)
Ezekiel: i remember everything now(sobbing)

Violet:Benet what are we going to do now?
Benet: we need to get him from that psycho
Violet:you know that its not him that were only dealing with right?
Benet: Blue doesnt have the memory of the incident. Ford will probably tighten their security. We need to gather everyone now. Have you heard about Green and Orange?
Violet: the only thing I know is that Green is in States and his married now.
Benet:what the hell!
Violet: i know when i heard about it i want to go to the State and kill him. How could he do that to Blue.
Benet: Blue still doeasnt know what really happened back then. We need to plan and prepare carefully.
(phone rings)
Someone: Benet(husky voice)
Benet: Jacob Hord(frown)
Orange: How are you Benet?
Benet: where are you Orange?
Orange: well, training with my unit.
Benet: what? Im with Violet and Red by the way.
Orange: i didnt know that there is reunion on. I didnt received notice.
Benet: Were at the hospital
Orange: wait(stand up) what happened?
Benet: just come here Orange(tired)
Orange: I'll be there

[at the hispital lounge]
Orange:(hugged) where are Red and Violet?
Benet:(sigh) Red is in the I. C. U, Violet is with him.
Orange: what happened Benet?
Benet: an ambush
Orange: WHAT!
Benet:lower your voice. Tsk. Im with Blue we metRed and Violet at a restaurant but suddenly we were ambushed. And its Ford  and the new Rainbow unit that save us so they have Blue now. We need to get him Orange.
Orange: does Blue know?
Benet: not yet. But he will soon after we get him.

Hui: Its your fault Red! (holding on Red)
Red: I didnt know it will turn that way Hui!
Hui:its your fault(punch Red)
Red:(punched back)
Benet:stop it guys(trying to seperate the two)
Hui:(punched Benet)
Benet: what the fudge! Stop it!
Violet: Hui stop it(holding in Hui)
Red: i just did it to save Blue(crying)
Hui: save? Look at him now Red! (pointing on Blue who's in coma)
Violet: it's not Red's fault Hui.
Hui: you know what I'm done here
Orange: what do you mean Green?
Hui: I'm going to the State.
Benet: really Hui! How about Blue huh? (holding on Hui's collar)
Hui: A 0% chance for him to wake up. Do you think I can take it? I will die if i loss him Benet! Do you understand? (sobbing)
Benet: so you will ran away? How about the unit?
Red: let him go. If you want theses then GO!
Violet: he waited for you when youre in coma and look now what are you doing huh? Abandoning him!
Hui: youre so full of yourself. Youre also one of the reason his in coma. If you do your job carefully this might not happened. Youre the one responsible for guns and shooting Violet!
Orange: thats enough guys! Why are we like this? Do you think Blue will be happy seeing us now?
Hui: i will find Thirdy and will kill hi. With my own hands(walk out)
Red: if I didnt shoot T. S we might save Blue without harming him.
Violet: realky Red? Do you think Blue will be grateful then? You just did what you think is right at that time.
Orange: lets all take break for now. I think its better for us not to hurt one another more.(walked out)
Violet: Orange! Fuc*! Fuc*(punching the wall)

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