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Lyle is in critical and still not waking up. The S.U are still investigating same with the senior unit. Back to ground while AG are training..

[ex unit entering with Blue]

Benet: Aeliana!

Aeliana: oh my god (covering his mouth) Benet!

Ezekiel: i promise to find him but he found me first

Benet: i'm sorry i left you here

Aeliana : its okay brother

Ezekiel: okay,listen up v everyone AG and AB meet your seniors

AG & AB Unite: (salute)

Red: stop it guys don't over react. Why don't we have some sparring huh?*(grin)

Ezekiel: go easy on them guys their old and rusty now(laugh)

[in a corner]

Violet: Ford can we talk?

For: What if i don't want to?

Violet: Who re you really?

Ford: (grin) why do you care?

Violet: you psycho (pulling Ford and hit him at the wall) I know you're behind Lyle's Poisoning(angry)

Ford: Do you have an evidence?(smirk)

Violet: You better make sure not o get caught Ford, because I will be the one t kill you first if you do something to Blue.

Ford: I will do my best (walked out)

[Ezekiel's office]

Ezekiel: is there a problem Violet?

Violet: none(serious)

Red: hey,  you looked really bothered Violet

Benet: are you pressured regarding on finding pout what happened to Lyle?

Ford: don't worry were also doing our own investigation(grin)

Violet:(slammed the table)

Orange: you know what lets go out Violet.

[at a cafe]

Orange: spill it out Violet. You've got something right?

Violet: i'm still gathering evidence. My eyes is not enough as a evidence.

Orange: what is it?

Violet: I thing Ford is the one that poisoned Lyle I saw him few days meeting with Third. I've been following for days because i'm suspicious about his actions. That Third seems to prepare a lot this time.

[Red entering with Benet]

Red: why are you whispering to each other you looked like you are talking something very big

Benet: did i miss something?

[Violet explaining again]

Red: these is complicated we better make sure to plan well this time. Possible that they will harm Blue so we need to be extra careful.

Sato's POV

Ford is acting weird lately. I have been guarding Lyle for couple of days luckily he's awake now. Master Blue has been busy investigating same with my brother and other units. But still cant find who behind these. I saw Ford leaving alone the ground. He always with Blue or his unit so im very suspicious of him today as he is alone. So , I followed him and called Red.

Red: i'm busy make it quick Sato

Sato: I'm following Ford now

Red: WHAT! YOU! are you alone?

Sato: yeah

Red: you're really stupid and stubborn. What if he saw you!

Sato: That's why i called you Red.. oh my god...

Red: why?(worried)

Sato: Is that Thirdy Samuel?

Red: Yah! tell me their plate number . Violet will track them don't move Sato and wait us.

[in a abandoned building]

Sato: Red where are you?

Sato: Where here

Sato: that's T.S right? why Ford is with him?

Red: Violet did you look at the area?

Violet: my position is a little bit out of the angle and its hard to see clearly your position. I'm estimating eighty people are on that building excluding yiu guys.

Sato: what! we cant handle that eighty Red!

Red: Orange do you hear me?

Pramge: yeah. What to do now? their too many of them

Sato: should i call our unit?

Violet: guys a Bugatti Chiron is approaching the area.

Benet: I will really going to kill Green for this

Red: Jayce Zyair?

Violet: Three psychos tsk. tsk. im having a headache now. What to do now Red?

Orange: there's someone inside

Violet: what the! its Blue! hes unconscious. You need to move now Red

sato: we need to wait for our back up

Red: no, we need to move now. They have Blue

Saro: I can see that you have no interest in protecting your life but we need to plan and wait. All rainbow are on t heir way

[phone rings]

Red: damn it!who's calling me these time?

what do you want Green? You pick perfectly the right time to call.

Green: whats wrong with your voice? why are you whispering?

Red: Are you kidding me? Listen careful your husband kidnapped Blue!

Green: WHAT!

Red: If there's a single wound on Blue I will kill Zyair! and you!

Green: But i didn't know about it

Red: now you know(hang up)

Sato: their here

Red: okay lets do this. Violet hows the situation?

Violet: not good I think Blue is wounded

Bent: Red we need a plan now

Red: all commander will come with me including the senior we will move froward for Blue. the rest spread and make sure not to do anything risky. Our top priority is to save Blue anyone that can have him immediately get him out of here. Understood?

Ag,Ab and Senior: copy

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