The Nervous Master

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Chapter 3
Ford's POV
I wake up early to prepare breakfast. I took a glimpse in Master Ezekiel's room. I slowly open his door and saw him sleeping so I just went downstair. I'm cooking when I heard footsteo behind me. I know that being a secretary of Master also need and recquire skills to protect him. So I lead the first move but I immediately let go of the knife I'm holding when I saw that it was young master. I saw how he respond to my action.

Ford:(gulp) Master(bow) I'm sorry i didn't mean ti.
Ezekiel: you're sensitive Ford and it's making me worried(picked uo the knife)
Ford: I'm sorry sir. I'm just being extra careful.
Ezekiel: (smile) you almost stab me Ford(laugh) good morning. (sit down)
Ford: good morning too master(bow) I'm done cooking let's eat.
Ezekiel: what is my schedule for today?
Ford: you need to meet the company's head departments and were going to meet someone. It may take time for us to meet the head of our business branches so let's start at main office.
Ford: ikay. I will do what needs to be done today. I k ow you're tired arranging schedules and taking care of me as well so I won't bother you and I'll be a good boy(wink)
Ford: i left my contract at your table madter you can check it and if you have something to change tell me and I will report to Mastet Clark.
Ezekiel: i already did you can get it on my table i made some changes as well.
Ford: you can prepare first. I still need to wash the dishes i will prepare after I'm done here. Please dont wash your hair yet the doctor told me.
Ezekiel:(pout) that doctor. I feel sticky!
Ford: dont be such a baby. I always take care of your hair when youre in coma so it doesn't smell. Go on and hurry.
Ezekiel: what im going to do if i dont have you Ford? (smile)
Ford: thank you will be enough( being sarcastic)
Ezekiel:(laugh) I'll go ahead then and thank you.

I'm waiting young master downstair. I'm wondering what is taking him so long. I review the reports of head on my tablets as they are all ancious and nervous for the first meeting. I can smell already his Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue Euv Intense Perfume and I was right. I stand uo and faced him. I don't know why everytime I looked at him I'm mesmerized. He is wearing a cuban collarshirt,tighy jeans and a Derby boots. He always look dazzling in my eyes even when he is in coke. I tried to calm myself when I saw his big smile.

Ezekiel: sorry i can't find the perfect dress to wear in meeting.
It's my first time so how do I look?
Ford: you look good sir. (smile) let's go.

[inside the car]
Ford: are you okay sir?
Ezekiel: yeah. My head hurt a little.
Ford: do you want me to cancel the meeting sir? (worried)
Ezekiel: no, im fine Ford. Maybe I'm just nervous.
Ford:(stopped the car) look master I know  that we need to do a lot of things but I wont let you force yourself. Just tell me I can handle things if you're not feeling well.
Ezekiel: you can continie on driving Ford. I'm realky okay and if i feel that something is wrong I will tell you. Okay?
Ford: (start on driving again) I already looked on the reports of the Head Departments. It seems like they are very nervous on meeting you. Please be nice and try to control your temper. Were here Master(get out to open the door)

As soom as Ezekiel get out of the car security and employees bows. He went inside with blank expression. All heads are rushing to mmet and greet the young master. But amm of a sudden he stopped on walking that made everyone wonder what is the reason.
Ford:(moving closer) is there something wrong sir(low voice)
Ezekiel: nothing. Lets proceed
Ford:(in his mind) what is it? (looking around) what is wrong? I'm sure that something is wrong(sigh)

[ inside the office]

The meeting went well which is good. But I'm more concerned to master. He didn't talk much during the meeting. It's really hard to read his mind. I was about to prepare master's snack when I noticed him. I leave a deep sigh but ignored him. I went to prepare the snack and saw.....

.... To be continued

I will update new chapter. I hope you can continue on reading my story. Feel free to comment and vote.💕❤️

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