~End of Memphis' POV~

~Genesis' POV~

Holy fucking shit Memphis is fucking sexy as hell. I see that he doesn't take his eyes off of me. When it's my turn to pick my teammate I take my time to make him sweat a little. When I do pick him his eyes light up. We head out to the bar to just talk and get to know each other. We have a lot in common with each other. He doesn't do the whole dating thing just like I don't. But I could see that if he found the right one he could settle down and be a good boyfriend/husband. I could see myself dating him. Maybe he could be the one we could tame each other. He asks for my number so I give it to him he also gives me his number.

Genesis- So now that you have my number are you going to use it or just keep it in your phone?

Memphis- Oh I'll be using it.

Genesis- Okay good so if you want you can text me later.

Memphis- Okay I'll text you before I go to bed then.

Genesis- Sounds good to me.

So it's time for them to leave they all get on their bikes we hug and say goodbye. Then out of fucking nowhere Tennessee and Amethyst are fucking sharing a deep and passionate kiss. Holy fucking shit that's fucking awesome. They look fucking happy then they tell us that it was not their first kiss tonight but their third kiss. Fuck finally Amethyst might get some dick and she won't be so uptight. But I love her no matter what she is my childhood friend and my President. The guys take off and I go to my room to shower after my shower and get ready for bed. We have an early morning tomorrow so I need my sleep. I go to lay down and my phone goes off. It's Memphis holy shit he wasn't lying when he said he would text me before he goes to bed.

~Text conversation~

Memphis- Hey beautiful just wanted to let you know we made it back safe and sound. I'm getting ready for bed and I can't wait until tomorrow when I get to see your beautiful face again.

Genesis- Aww Memphis you are so sweet. I'm also just getting ready for bed cuz I also can't wait until tomorrow when I get to see your handsome face.

Memphis- So you think I'm handsome.

Genesis- You are more than handsome you are smart, kind, funny, chill, sexy and so much more.

Memphis- Well you are sexy, sweet, funny, laid back, and intelligent.

Genesis- Why thank you.

Memphis- Your welcome beautiful.

Genesis- Well we both should get some sleep we have a busy and early morning tomorrow.

Memphis- Okay I think your right goodnight beautiful. I will see you tomorrow morning.

Genesis- Goodnight handsome see you're fine ass in the morning.

~End of the text conversation~

After we finished texting I lay down and I fall asleep pretty fast. I must have been tired or it's cuz I can't wait to see Memphis again.

~End of Genesis' POV~

~Dallas' POV~

I pick Phoenix for my teammate. Phoenix is my type of man. He's sexy as hell fuck just looking at him makes me wet. After the meeting, we head to the front steps to talk and get to know each other better.

Dallas- Okay so let's get to know each other. You can ask me anything and I'll tell you the truth. I'm what they call an open book.

Phoenix- Okay how old are you?

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