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Hide and touka entered the pet shop with Kaneki resting against Hide's chest.

"I'll go look for cat food, you go look for a collar and a cage since he is your cat" Touka said whilst going down the isle to the left.

"Oh ok" Hide said spinning around trying to see which isle has collars and cages.

He raised Kaneki a bit so they where eye level with eachother and he sighed.

"What colour collar do you want mr?" He said.

Kaneki just plainly started at him. It's not like he can respond.

"Black? Red? Pink? Any colour?" Hide was talking to Kaneki like he expected to get a response.

"Mm...hold on" Hide places Kaneki back onto his chest and walked over to the worker sitting behind the till.

"Hey, umm excuse me?" Hide said quietly.

"Yes dear?" The elderly lady looked up from her book and smiled at the ginger haired boy.

"Um, what colour collar do you think will suit my cat Kaneki?" Hide said holding him out to show the lady.

The lady looked a bit startled as hide held Kaneki like simba from the lion king.

"Maybe a dark colour would suit him since hes such a white little kitty isnt he?" The older lady said stroking Kaneki on the cheek.

"Thanks" Hide said with a smile.

He put Kaneki back onto this chest and ran over to the isle that seemed to be full of collars.

Hide tried to find a black one with Kaneki's name on it but obviously they didnt have one.

"Hey Hide!" Touka said making her way back towards him holding a bag of cat food and two bowls one inside the other. "I picked a food and water bowl for him as well so you dont have to use they nasty ashtray anymore"

"Oh right, thanks" Hide said still looking at the black collars. "Hey touka?"


"Which one?" Hide held two collars in one hand. One black with metal spikes on it and the other with cat paws printed on to it.

"The hell? Do you want him to be in a rock band or something? Put that one back and take the one with the cat paws" Touka said flicking Hide on the forehead.

"Hey! I thought he'd want to look cool thank you very much" Hide said with a pout.

The two teens looked at Kaneki and giggled a little.

Hide and touka both went to go pick a cage together and they decided on a white and grey one that came with a little cushion inside for Kaneki to sleep on. Once they where done they walked over to the elderly lady from before and placed everything on the counter.

"You two are such a cute couple y'know" they lady said whilst scanning their items.

Both of their faces turned bright red as touka waved her hands in front of her and hide just looked down and Kaneki.

"Yeah no, we're not a couple" Touka laughed nervously. She poked hide in the cheek whilst looking at the old lady "you see, this ones a big gay and a weirdo so hes off my list" She said.

The ladies eyes widened. "Oh my I'm so sorry to assume such things" She apologised.

"N-no it's fine" Hide said embarrassed.

"Anyway, take care of the little one and stay safe you two. Come back soon" The older lady said with a smile.

"Thank you and we will" They said in unison.

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