~ Chapter 23 ~

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Grian paced around his new room, spreading out his new wings. The Watcher magic had started to return with the memories, and he was required to learn, so he could 'help'.

After countless hours of practicing, he was capable of casting multiple spells, almost at the same level he was when he ran away. The Watcher mask lay on the bed, along with the purple cloak. He couldn't bring himself to wear it, as though he was one of them. It felt like betrayal.

Especially after what the Watchers did to Taurtis and the Evo members...

Would they be mad at me? For being forced into this, all over again? What about the hermits; would they miss me? Or be glad that someone as annoying as me is gone? He sighed, trying to get rid of those thoughts of self-hate. He struggled with the same problem, back in Season Six, after the Civil War. All I do is cause chaos.

Maybe they won't miss me...

A knock on the door brought Grian back to the real world, as he opened the door. Another Watcher stood at the entrance, shifting from one foot to the other, awkwardly.

"May I come in?" she asked.

Moving aside, Grian welcomed her in, but still confused by her presence. If they wanted me for training, then they wouldn't have told them to talk to me. 

"What can I do for you?" he asked, as politely as possible.

"I, uh, I was sent to talk to you, about all this. The Leader told me you needed some, uh, guidance," she started. If she wasn't uncomfortable earlier, than she definitely was now. "I know I can't change your mind about how Watchers are, but I hope you can at least listen. Oh, by the way, my name is Ling."

"Grian," he said, curtly. Think I'm going to change my thoughts after what happened? Wrong.

"Um, not trying to sound rude, or anything, but do you have a place where we could sit? And do you mind if I take off my mask? I get if it's uncomfortable for you-"

"No, no, it's fine. I don't mind," Grian interrupted her rambling. Sighing in relief, she took off the mask, revealing a kind-faced girl, looking less than twenty years old. She flicked her black hair out of her eyes, and shuffled her feet again. "Oh, um, here we can just sit on the couch."

"Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, right."

Why's she so nervous? 

"So, um, so, I get that you don't trust the Watchers, but we do do things for a reason. I was told about how you were taken from your world, and, um..." she trailed off. "I'm sorry, I'm just not good with words. The Watchers want me to tell you that, no matter what happens, there's a reason for everything they do."

Really? Even for killing? There must be a great reason for that.

"I know that you were taken from two different worlds, having to leave two types of families, but you're special. The Watchers train those who, they think, can actually help others, and you're one of those people. You may not realize it, but you've always been connected to magic in some way. You're amazing at flying, even without your actual wings, before you were taken to be trained, you helped create a world for others to live in, a world full of quests and magic," Ling explained. "I thought that the Watchers were evil beings, especially after the war with the admins. They took me from my home, so I understand how you feel-"

"You don't."

Ling looked up from her lap, staring at Grian.

"You don't know the struggle I went through to keep my friends safe, without them even realizing. Then the Watchers take what I have and burn it to the ground. No one will ever understand," Grian spat. But Ling just nodded.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"It'd be rude for me to say yes."

"Okay then. Well, the Council doesn't want you to know this, but your friends aren't gone, Grian," Ling said, standing up. "The Evolutionists aren't gone, they've just been relocated to a new world."

Grian froze, as her words sank in.

"Some Watchers aren't all bad." And with that, Ling excused herself and left Grian to his thoughts. 

They're alive.


The hermits back on Hermitcraft had been searching all of the world for the past week or more that Grian had been gone.

It wasn't like him to disappear without telling anyone. And it seemed to closely linked to that dream he had earlier in the month.

Maybe it was nothing. Maybe he would come waltzing back with a backpack full of gravel. But nothing added up.

But either way, the stress had been eating away at everyone's lives. No one wanted to give up looking for Grian, even after Xisuma had gotten an update on the player's status, saying that he'd switched worlds. But he wouldn't have left Hermitcraft, right? Not without saying goodbye.

Mumbo had been worried for his friend, had been ignoring his own needs, trying to figure out where his fellow Architect was. Iskall had to actually sit on top of him to make him sleep, not that it helped.

No one knew what to do. Not anymore. Theories were exchanged on what happened, and some people kept searching, even after months of Grian's absence. Some moved on, thinking that he moved to another world. Others... well, some tried to forget him altogether.

But whether they liked it or not, no one could forget him, his cheerful attitude, playful antics or the impression he left on the server.

No one would forget him.

so how do you like your angst? Light, medium or rare?
also don't worry this ain't the end of it. or is it?

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