~ Chapter 20 ~

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Grian paced, and paced, and paced for what felt like hours, probably because it was so mind-numbing to do absolutely nothing. Except worry. That was the only thing he could do.

What if it is real? I need to talk to someone. But what if they think I'm crazy and don't believe me? What if it was real, but everyone forgot? Or they think it was actually a dream? Oh my god, what if it was a vision? Can I see the future? What if- Oh my god, Grian, use your brain for once.
If it were real, then why don't I have my wings? Or my injuries? It can't be real... But then again, it is magic.
What is real anymore? 

I really should talk to someone. 

Grian looked up from the ground and was about to grab his elytra, when someone called his name. He didn't need to turn around to see who it was, but he still did.

"M- Mumbo?"

"Hey Gri, are you okay? You seem a bit tens-" he was cut off by Grian wrapping his arms around the taller hermit and mumbling "you're alive, you're alive, you're alive" over and over.

"Grian. Are you okay? You never answered any of my messages, and now you're rambling about thinking I was dead... You know we can respawn, right?"

A muffled "I'm fine" was his only response.

"Why would you think I was gone?" Mumbo asked, tilting his head.

"Just a bad dream, I guess." 

"About what?" 

"I'll spare you the details," Grian replied. "But basically, we all got powers and a bunch of us died, and didn't respawn, and we were thrown into a murder mystery and apparently it was Scar, but you died and I was so worried that it was actually real."

"That's very intricate..." he said, slowly, but his forehead creased with worry.

Is he not telling me something? Whatever. He knows he can tell me anything.

Out of the corner of his eye, Grian saw something that made his heart stop. A cloaked figure stood outside the window, staring in. A mask covered their face and wings sprouted from their back.

"Grian? What are you looking at?" Mumbo asked, stepping beside him and looking out as well.

"Oh, I just thought I saw something, must've been a mob."

 I hope someday I can prove I can as well.

So this is really short but I'm starting to lose confidence in this book for a number of reasons. 

1. i'm worried about copying what other ppl write even if i don't know 
2. writers block. need i say anything else? 
3. i don't think i'm that good of a writer and i'm a perfectionist so i really care about what others think of me... 
4. i feel this is really rushed and i hate that but i also don't want this book to be any longer than 30 or so chapters
5. i don't always have the time or patience so updates might take longer to write but i promise will finish this book 

thought on this? ty <3

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