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Sorry to anyone who was hoping this was a new chapter! I am working on that as you read this! It's just that I've been seeing a few comments of people being confused so I thought I'd take a second to clarify some things.

1. It has now been revealed that Eevee is alive, but has been separated from the group. She is now traveling with Morgan towards D.C. and ultimately Alexandria.

2. I will be going back and explaining exactly how she survived and found Morgan, but that'll come later in the story.

3. Rick and the original group all believe her to be dead since Juno told them about how she watched Eevee fall off the building and into a herd of walkers that had caught on fire when a gas line exploded.

4. The group is currently taking refuge from a storm in a ranger cabin on the Appalachian Trail.

5. They are about to be pummeled by a mudslide, this why Daryl yelled that everyone needed to "RUN!"

IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO ASK!! Again, sorry that I haven't posted a chapter yet, I promise I'm working on it!!

Stay crazy my little demons!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!

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