{Our Own Little Secrets}

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"Why are we doing this right 'ere? What's wrong with the perch?" Eevee slid her sleepy gaze towards the equally tired Daryl who sat with her on one of the tables in the common room. Merle was skulking around on the upper catwalk, content to silently watch whatever they were about to do.

"What's wrong with right here? I'm making food and the last time I strayed too far I burnt myself. Okay, so it's been a while since I taught you so let's start at the beginning. Kaltxì, oel ngati kameie." Daryl glared up at his brother for a second before answering her in a low growl.

"Kaltxì, oel ngati kameie." Merle's snicker echoed around the room, earning him the bird from the younger Dixon.

"Nice, so proper etiquette would be to ask how someone is doing."

"When do I learn how to say 'fuck off'?" Daryl looked pointedly at the prowling Merle during that question, which only earned him a light slap on his cheek to regain his attention.

"Will ya stop hittin me?"

"Will ya start payin attention?" She mimicked his thicker southern drawl and crossed her arms over her chest with a quirked brow. Daryl rolled his eyes and turned to face her properly whilst trying his best to ignore his chortling brother.

"Good so repeat after me, ngaru lu fpom srak." He pinched the bridge of his nose and paused for a second before making his own attempt.

"Ngaru lu fnu srak."

"You just asked me if I was quiet. It's fpom not fnu." Daryl blew out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Ngaru lu fpom srak."

"Better. So, now you use it in proper conversation. Greet me." He cleared his throat and sat upright to do as she says.

"Kaltxì, oel ngati kameie." Eevee tapped on her forehead gently and dipped her head shallowly.

"Kaltxì, oel ngati kameie." Daryl paused and Eevee raised her brows for him to put to use what he just learned.

"Ngaru lu fpom srak?" He waited for her to critique some word he said wrong- probably fucking told her she tasted sweet again. It's not an incorrect statement, but still an embarrassing announcement to make in front of the whole group.

"Good, now you can either say yes or no. No is kehe and yes is srane. My turn. Ngaru lu fpom srak?" Daryl held up a finger to give himself a second to figure out the right way to pronounce yes.

"Srä." Eevee bit her bottom lip to keep in her giggle of amusement and he immediately knew he said it wrong. And only the lord knew what he said this time.

"Fuck. What did I say this time?"

"You told me you were a cloth woven on a loom." Merle's bemused laughter echoed through the common room, turning both their heads up towards the catwalk.

"Ya know this is real cute, the two of ya down there speakin gibberish to each other like an ol married couple." Eevee lifted a brow in confusion. Married couples do this? She looked back over at Daryl, the man gazing at his brother with sullied distaste.

"Married couples know how to speak Na'vi?"

"No, yer literally the only one who does. Promise." Eevee nodded and slid off the table to check on her breakfast she was making for everyone. She wasn't even looking and she already knew both of the brothers were threatening to kill the other.

"Stop flipping each other off and come get food." She looked back at the two sheepish Dixons and rolled her eyes before moving to tell the others food was ready. Soon everyone was either standing or sitting at a table quietly munching away at their oatmeal. All except Maggie who was on watch and would trade off with Glenn after he finished his food and took hers up to her. Rick swallowed a spoonful of the grainy breakfast food and turned to Eevee who was glaring at Daryl in a silent demand that he eat the food she dropped in front of him.

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