{That's What People Do}

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Eevee wandered through the hallways, careful to memorize her path so she doesn't get stuck again. Daryl wasn't around to hunt her down like he did before. She hit the infirmary and checked it over for anything Carl may have missed.

"He did a good job." She moved down the hall from the empty infirmary and pushed open the next door she came to. If her memory of the schematics served her right she had found the library. It was relatively cleaned and free of walkers.

"Let's see what books this place has."

Rick, Daryl and the others gimped their way into a dark building, gunshots filling the sky as they ran. Daryl ran for the back, lowly growling when he wasn't met with an exit door.

"Ain't no way out back here!"

"Rick, how did you find us?" Maggie asks as she searched for anything to help cover up Glenn until they could get him cleaned up properly.

"How bad are you hurt?" Rick looked to the Rhee boy, who nodded and gurgled our that he would be okay.

"We gotta get them out of here."

"Daryl, this was Merle!" That caught the Dixon's attention. Merle is here? And alive?

"You saw him?" Glenn tugged on the jacket that Maggie handed him and stiffly nodded.

"Face to face. He threw a walker at me. He was going to execute us." Daryl and Maggie broke off into conversation as Glenn turned to face Rick.

"Rick, I'm sorry. We told him where the prison was we couldn't hold out." The cop stepped forward and patted his knee gently.

"No need to apologize. They're going to be looking for us. We have to get back. Can you walk? We got a car a few miles out." Glenn nodded and pushed to his feet. Daryl stepped towards the cop to try and make a case about finding Merle too. But Rick was having none of it.

"Look, no matter what they say, they're hurt. Glenn can barely walk. How are we going to make it out if we get overrun by walkers and this Governor catches up to us? I need you. Are you with me?" Daryl chewed his lip as he debated his choices. Ultimately these people were his family and they needed him.

"Yeah." They raced for the wall, stopped by a wall of gunfire and forced into a little niche. They were going to die here.

"You guys go ahead, I'll lay down some cover fire."

"No, we gotta stay together." Maggie argues back, the Dixon shaking his head no.

"Too hairy. I'll be right behind you." Rick hated the plan, but it was their best and only chance of getting out alive.

"Ready? Move!" The wild man launched another smoke grenade and they moved to a few solar panels between the enemy and their escape.

"Rick! Rick!" Maggie's voice echoed through the white fog. "Rick!"

"Daryl!" Rick screams at the unmoving Dixon. He shouted for them to get over the wall, the pit in his stomach dissolving when the cop vanished behind the rolled metal. It didn't take long for him to get caught and tied up. But he planned for this. He had to see if his brother was truly alive. They threw a bag over his head and dragged him through the town into some place filled with angry shouts and a man calling him and Merle terrorists. The bag was yanked off and he saw his older brother with his own eyes.

"You wanted your brother. Now you got him."

"Okay, well all of these books are utterly useless. But this space can be useful. There should be a garage for prison vehicles. I'll find it." She stepped out into the hallway again and moved further down the space to find it. It didn't take her long, and she was happy to see it was still filled with cars and prisoner transport vans.

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