Happy Valentine's Day!! ❤️

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"Okay ready guys?" Rick scans over his little family with an exasperated gleam. They've been trying to film this segment for an hour.

"Wait they can't see me!" Carol whines as she pushed between Michonne and Glenn to try and find a clearer view.

"That's my foot!" Maggie snaps at Merle, who smiled snarlingly and backed away as Glenn whirled to glare at him. Why wasn't he beside his brother?

"Guys, come on! Auctor asked us to wish all her readers a happy valentine's day!" This came from Beth and sparked everyone into obeying and facing the camera.

"Alright! One! Two! Three!" The Auctor calls through her black face mask printed with a sharp-toothed smirk. The group painted on big smiles and spoke in unison.


"Despite the fact that the whole holiday was actually a feast to the Saint Valentine that was used to Christianize the pagan holiday Lupercalia and had nothing to do with candy hearts and chocolate-" Eevee started to ramble, stopped by Daryl reaching out and turning her to face him by her chin. He smirked wickedly at her blushing features as he drew closer.

"Ghost..." She hummed in response. Most of the group was gone by now- just her, him, and Auctor looking over her video feed.

"Just enjoy it." He moved to close the gap, the scene blacked out by Auctor holding her hand over the lens with a laugh.

"Happy Valentine's Day. Stay crazy my little demons. Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease."

"..... Auctor what in the literal fuck does that even mean?"

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