{Shit Happens}

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"There ain't no way in hell yer comin with us." Daryl and Eevee stood facing each other just outside the cafeteria where they had followed the prisoners to get their half of the food.

"I have to."

"No ya don't. We can handle them assholes just fine." Eevee sighed deeply at the ceiling.

"Oh so you know how to speak and understand Spanish too? What a coincidence!" Daryl growled lowly at her snappy sarcasm. "I know you're not happy with the idea. I'm not either, that Spanish dipshit makes me want to strangle him every second he breaths the same air as we do."

"Daryl, Jenner come help with this." Rick's voice broke up their conversation, and by the fact that he called her by her last name told them he was probably very close to ripping someone's head off. Hopefully Tomas as the inmates called the Hispanic everyone hated. They moved towards the back of the kitchen to the pantry, of which was over halfway stuffed with food.

"This what you call a little bit of food?" Rick glared at Tomas with a quirked brow.

"Goes fast." Daryl pushed by the two into the large pantry.


"You can have a bag of corn, some tuna fish-" Eevee rolled her eyes and cut the man off.

"We said half. That's the deal." She glared at the man who looked lustfully back as Rick moved towards a meat locker.

"What's in there?"

"Don't open that." Tomas dryly warned just as the cop pulled open the door, filling the room with the stench of human waste. Rick gagged loudly and slammed the door shut, though the smell was well seeped into their senses.

"Just breathe through your nose. The human's sense of smell is weakest and in a few minutes you'll barely notice it." Eevee rattled off as her nose wrinkled with her forcing herself to breath through it.

"What about the taste?" T-Dog grumbled as he fought to keep his food down.

"Pretty sure that's in your head." Tomas chuckled at their struggle to get over the smell, the other men shuffled in what she believed was embarrassment. The redhead inmate wrung his hands as he looked at the ground shyly.

"Can't wait for my own pot to piss in." Rick shook his head clear and moved away from the meat locker to start separating the pantry supplies in half. T-Dog was given and box and he waited for the others before walking off. There wasn't a chance in hell he was going to leave them alone with these men. Eevee was handed a box and she started to pack cans and dried goods into the cardboard. She split the lower shelves but had an issue reaching the last ones.

"Having a little trouble, maravilloso?" Eevee suppressed a disgusted shiver at Tomas' husky voice moving towards her. Instead, she plastered on a smirk and turned towards the man who stood much too close for her liking.

"I think I am."

"Would you like some help? All you gotta do, maravilloso, is make that pretty mouth say those magic words." Her eyebrows lifted and her mouth stretched into a wider smirk as she bit the side of her bottom lip- knowing she had him hooked when he deeply chuckled in anticipation.

"I would like some help. Sooo..." She turned her head towards the wild archer with a sweetly innocent smile. "Daryl? Would you like to help me reach the top shelves? Pretty please?"

"Happily." He stepped up behind the woman and slid a hand around her waist before he reached up to help split the top shelves. Tomas grumbled in Spanish and glared at Daryl before walking off. They snickered together at his infuriation of being played like he had.

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