{Or Something}

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Evenorra sat on the opposite side of two kids she didn't know the name of as the rickety RV raced away from the burning CDC. She didn't realize how weightless she would feel seeing that place burn. The silence of the vehicle was broken by one of the little kids turning towards her with a big smile and Rick's eyes.

"I'm Carl! What's your name?"

"Evenorra. My family called me Eevee." She saw his face light up at the shortened version of her name.

"Eevee. Like the Pokémon?" She shrugged and gave a loose nod, most people didn't quite catch on to the name. This wasn't the world for games and tv shows anymore.

"Yep. It was the running joke in the family. Poor little Eevee, useless until evolution." Carl and the little girl beside him laughed, which seemed to lighten the tense and somber mood of the interior. The girl introduced herself as Sophia before they returned to silence.

"So, Eevee, What did you do before?" Her gaze flicked back to the inside of the RV, catching the eye of Shane who asked the question she was sure was on everyone's mind. Even angry Daryl asked her this question.

"A lot. Just before this, I was a..." Her answer was shut off when the RV shuttered to a stop. A few feet ahead there was a huge pile up of cars that spilled over into the medians and shoulders. A motorcycle pulled up by the window and the elderly man driving shouted over the rumble for him to find a way they could get through. They only got as far as the first twist of cars before the engine started to scream and spew white smoke. Eevee was up and out of the RV before anyone else could move.

She pulled open the grill to get to the engine before she started to poke around looking for the problem. It wasn't hard to find, the hose of duct tape stuck out against the oily black engine. Pulling out the radiator hose, she twisted it until she found the rip in what was left of the darker rubber.

"I keep saying, dead in the water." She handed Dale his hose before busying herself with scanning for a larger abandoned vehicle she could take from. Eevee spotted a U-haul and wove her way through to check its hose, just barely catching the group's conversation.

"Can't you jerry-rig it?" She scoffed at the idea, that hose was nothing but jerry-rigged and willed into surviving this long. Thankfully, the hose in the U-haul was a perfect match and in much better shape.

"That's what's gotten us this far and there's no way to find-" The elderly man stopped talking when Eevee rounded a car with another hose in her hands and black oil coating her hands up to her wrists. "Okay that was pretty stupid to say." 

"We could scrounge supplies here. Clothes. Food. Maybe some weapons." The timid Carol spoke up after Eevee handed the hose to Dale for him to fix the RV.

"I could siphon some gas from these cars too. Stock up for later." This came from a black man she didn't know the name to either, but his words made Rick nod in agreement for them to get started.

"This place is a graveyard." Eevee was pretty sure her name was Lori, and she almost glared at them as she spoke. Eevee spoke before she could stop herself.

"Graveyards have bones and corpses that don't move. This has things you need. Last I checked graveyards don't give offerings." Lori's eyes snapped over to the jumpy woman, her sharp gaze growing sharper as she spoke. Eevee ducked her head and moved into the snarl of vehicles before she ran her mouth some more. Most of the others followed her in, Lori included. Eevee passed a few cars before spotting a nice set of clothes and a gun belt with its own weapons left in the backseat of a little coupe. She first tried the door handle and was mildly surprised that it opened up smoothly. Waiting a second for anything to attack, she swooped in and snatched up the outfit and weapons before silently closing the door and looking for a place to change out of her old ones.

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