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Eevee has wandered away from the barn. She didn't care where she went. Anywhere but there, anywhere but standing there looking at that corpse. Anywhere to be alone. Swiping at the tears, she blew out a sigh and started to pace between the tree and the ruins of probably an old house from before the farmhouse they were at now.

"You knew this was a possibility. Actually it was almost a certainty. Kids have the best chance within the first 24 hours, we didn't start looking until well into the second day. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Boots crunched the grass behind her and she whipped around, both guns drawn and primed to kill in the span it took for her to turn. It wasn't who she expected, it was just Daryl.

"I surrender." Eevee sighed heavily and holstered her guns before turning back to her paces.

"I came out here to be alone."

"You an' me both." She lightly cringed at the buried sadness in his voice. He nearly died for a girl who wasn't alive to begin with. 

"I knew. I knew the numbers, the chance we had of finding her alive. Everything pointed to her being gone, but I fooled myself. I let the small chance of finding her drown out the logic. It didn't even matter in the end. None of it did." Daryl dropped his head as she talked. He knew she was just as fervent about finding Sophia as he was. She got attached, just like he did. And just like him, she didn't know how to deal with the pain of disappointment.

"At least now we know." Eevee nodded but he could see her shoulders shake through the thick pilot jacket. Stepping forward, he gently turned her to face him. Tears flowed down her cheekbones and her small body racked with held in sobs. Daryl hooked a finger in her gun belt and tugged her towards himself, the small woman unable and unwilling to resist. He engulfed her small frame in a hug, Eevee quickly breaking down into his sternum as he rocked side to side.

Daryl didn't say a word as she sobbed into his chest. He simply kept moving from one side to the other as he tightened his hold around her. They stayed silent and embraced for what felt like eternity until her sobs faded out into sniffles and little hiccups.

"Ya good?" Eevee nodded into his shirt and pulled back with a laugh.

"I may have ruined your shirt though." They started to lightly chuckle. Of all things, his shirt was what bothered her.

"It'll dry." They pulled apart from their hug with light blushes. They hadn't been that physical since the farmhouse kiss.

"Is everyone else okay?" He shrugged loosely, he wasn't sure. He couldn't find it in himself to care much either.

"I don't think anyone is okay. Except Shane. But he's insane, so I don't think he quite cared ta begin with." She bristled at the name, this is all his fault.

"¡Voy a cortar a esa perra para que se coma sus propios intestinos!" (I'm going to slice that bitch open and make him eat his intestines!) Daryl lifted his brows, he had no clue what she just said but the tone and how fast she spoke was an easy indicator that she was pissed.

"As much as I would like to think ya just said somethin really sexy, I think those words were some sort of murder promise." She resumed her pacing, this time angry and mumbling to herself in a mix of foreign languages. Sometimes she'd speak loud enough for Daryl to hear.

"¡Voy a separarlo órgano por órgano para ver si tiene cerebro! ¡O incluso un corazón! Tal vez pueda diseccionarlos a ambos y ver cuán estúpido e inútil es." (I'm going to cut him open and see if he has a brain! Or even a heart! Maybe I can dissect how stupid he really is.) Daryl stepped into her pacing to make her stop, which in turn stopped her foreign ramblings.

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