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That was the best way to describe the silence between Eevee and Daryl inside the small two-person tent. They both lay on their back staring at the thin top of the tent that shone with blotted moonlight through the branches above.

"Mine's bigger?" They looked at one another as Eevee repeated the words he growled at Shane by the fire. They made eye contact for a few seconds before the laughter ensued.

"It was too good to pass up." Eevee limply shrugged, it may have been but like she said about fuel to the fire. Daryl just threw in the gasoline. She shook her head before shifting to turn her back to the man and face the tent.

"Goodnight, alley cat." She heard him shift around too, his voice telling her he had turned his back like she did.

"Goodnight, ghost." Her eyes drifted closed and she fell into her dreams. It felt like she was asleep for a mere few minutes before grumbling and groaning jolted her awake. A shadow stretched over the tent side. She unsheathed the dagger on her left leg before dropping it to her right hand. The shadow grew closer and the grumbling grew louder, making her push away from the side until her spine met with Daryl's. He stirred at her touch and sat up with a low growl.

"What are you-" He caught the movement of the shadow and instantly went on alert, hunting blade slipped free of its sheath as he dropped down to the tent floor.

"Who's that?" He was close enough to her he just needed to whisper to be heard.

"I'm not sure." They watched the shadow shuffle around and lightly grumble before the person finally said something understandable.

"Gotta pee..." Glenn. They both sighed in relief before putting away their weapons. Eevee moves back to her own half and they repeat their goodnights. Evenorra didn't wake again until the chirrup of birds pulled her eyelids up. She yawned and stretched out as much as she could before rolling to her other side, squirming close to the heat she found. Her mind cleared and she realized that the heat she felt was from a person. And they were moving too.

She caught the flash of a blade and instantly rolled away to dodge getting stabbed in the neck. Drawing her own blades, she push up on all fours and darted over to straddle the person around the waist and press one blade to their throat with the other stopping just a few inches from their eye. Cold steel bit into her own throat and they both prepared to go out fighting before she recognized the blue orbs glaring up at her. Daryl recognized her at the same instant and they both relax greatly while putting away their weapons.

"You good?" He rasped and she nodded in response. "Good. Maybe don't freak me out this early in the morning."

"I freaked you out? You almost stabbed me in the neck!" The sound of the zipper caught their ears and Eevee rolled off the man to her own side as the flap was drawn back to show Rick in the morning light.

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" They both shook their heads to say no. "Good, we gotta get this search started." He vanished, leaving the flustered pair staring at the empty space he left behind.

"Wow, really glad I wasn't naked or something." Eevee mumbled as she stepped out of the tent and stretched out her muscles better than she could before, small whines escaping as she did. She heard the tent flap open and Daryl joined her in the morning light. Glenn walked by and slyly smirked before asking a rather loud question.

"Sleep well you two?" They looked at each other then back to the Asian with hazy glares.

"Just fine, Glenn. Did you ever find the bathroom?" The Rhee man flushed crimson at her tease and stalked off to find Rick for their search grids. The smirking duo followed behind to the where Rick had the map tacked down and written on with pen. He started to explain the grids and who would be partnered with who.

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