Chapter 18- Electric Spark

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I looked at Vincent. He was looking away then glanced at the time and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked while looking at him.


"It's your day off."

"Doesn't matter. Money doesn't grow out of trees Everly." He said getting his tie and jacket, "I'll see you later Ev." He said turning to give me his back. He then started to head to the door.

I got off from the bed immediately, pulling all the tubes and cables off, and ran towards him but then collapsed on the floor from my weary legs. Vincent turned to look down at me. My hands were on the floor with my knees, slightly glowing blue and sending electrical waves through the floor, shutting off all the power from the room.

My eyes widen as I looked around. Vincent immediately leaned down to me and picked me up, "what did you do?!" He asked.

"I-I don't know!" I say while looking down at my hands. I then gazed at the lightless room.

Did I do that? And if so, how?

"There's something going on with you." Said Vincent while placing me down in the bed, "you did something to the room without intending it."

"I-I know! But I don't know how or why!" I say panicked. Vincent then gently held my cheeks and placed his forehead with mine, "calm down." He said in a low voice.

I looked at him and exhaled air. My heart was pumping rapidly and my mind fogged, "am I going to be okay?" I ask Vincent in fear. He gazed at me and stayed staring for a while, "I promise you'll be okay. I'll be here for you." He reassured. The room then suddenly lighted up again and so did the machinery.

I paused and stared at his left eye then looked down, "why are you helping me Vincent?"

"Because it was my fault that you're going through these things."

"But I didn't help you when you needed it..." I sighed, "remember?"

He looked at me and stroked my bangs out of my face, "yeah I remember."

"I pretty much put you in more danger when I called for help..."

"You were just scared. Especially because it was me getting affected. You've never had a good encounter with ghouls." He said nodding.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it when a nurse came in, "are you both okay?" She asked, "the whole building had a power outage. Strange how that could of happened in such a good weather..."

"We're alright ma'am." Said Vincent nodding. The nurse nodded then closed the door to the room. Vincent glanced at me, "it was you."

"I was the one to cause the power outage..." I say thinking, "but was it because I collapsed?"

"Well that was pretty much the same time the power went out. When you fell."

"There's something wrong with me Vincent!"

"Calm down!" He says sighing, "seriously calm down. Not even I reacted like this."

"You reacted worse!" I snapped, "Vincent what if it happens again and you're not here?! What if they report me to headquarters?!" I say worried, "Vincent I don't wanna face master Akuno! What if they start to experiment on me? What if they want to kill me and you because we both worked in headquarters but we have this abnormal power that can endanger them?!"

Vincent immediately pulled me into a tight embrace, "shut up already, you're fucking annoying." He growled, "I'll try to take you out the hospital early. We still don't know what is that you have so we can't do anything about it."

I sighed, hugged him tightly and laid my head in his shoulder while slightly trembling. I could feel Vincent's breath in my ear, which tickled. He let go and looked at me, "I'm gonna go ask about taking you home. Stay here and try to sleep. Maybe pain triggers the electrical surges." He said.

I nodded obediently and laid down in the bed while he left the room. I looked up at the ceiling as little trails of blue electrical sparks trailed across it. My eyes widen and I sat up immediately. A head throbbing feeling soon welcomed my brain.

I breathed heavily with a pulsing head, not knowing what was happening to me, not knowing where that electricity came from. That electric spark.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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