Chapter 12- Oh How You've Changed

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I looked at him, not knowing what to say or do. I slowly nodded while putting a strand of hair behind my ear. He looked at me in disbelief. He looked at me speechless.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"Umm... Well I came to search for you."

"So you decide now? After 2 years?"
"There's reasons behind it.." I said nodding.

He scoffed. He didn't know what to say. No words would come out of his mouth as he continuously stared at me up and down. I glanced my eyes away from him towards Dilid who was still on the floor, looking at me.

"A-are you gonna be alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll have to go drink some coffee." She said in the same monotone voice Vincent had. She stood up slowly and Vincent looked over his shoulder at her. He quickly stood her up with care and grabbed her by her waist, her arm over his neck. Vincent then glanced at me and beckoned me to follow them.

I nodded and started to follow into the back door of a building. As we headed inside, we walked up some stairs into another room. I look around, remembering that this was the coffee shop from earlier.

"Oi! What happened to Dilid?" Asked a coworker cleaning the tables. He then paused and looked at me, "hey you're that customer from- HEY ITS CLOSING HOURS!!"

"Walden calm down." Said Vincent calmly while placing Dilid on a table, "why don't you get coffee for Dilid? She needs to restore her energy."

Walden looked at Vincent, Dilid and I, nodded and left. I looked around awkwardly as some of his coworkers were leaning on walls or counters and looking at me.

"You know this girl?" Asked another guy leaning on the counter.

"Yeah. Her name's Everly." Responded Vincent while inspecting Dilid. Dilid was a girl with wavy, deep crimson hair. Her hair reached up to her elbows. She was also skinny and curvy. A desirable girl for any man. She had, as well, grey eyes just like Vincent's but a little lighter. I stared at her for a while and then at Vincent.

"Nice to meet you Everly I'm Percy." He said waving a small 'hello'.

I looked away from both Vincent and Dilid and waved, giving a slight smile. Walden then came back with the coffee and handed it to Dilid, "I'm Walden as you heard from Vincent." He said, "over there we have the twins Alison and Fallon." He said while pointing at 2 fraternal twins.

"Oh yeah those are the love birds over there." said Percy gesturing to Vincent and Dilid.

Oh... So they're lovers...

I paused and glanced at both of them. Vincent suddenly looked at Percy then at me. I stared at him and gave him a slight smile, "I-I'm happy for you Vince." I said silently.

Vincent continued to stare at me then back at Percy and murmured some curse words under his breath, continuing to inspect Dilid.

"You alright there Everly?" Asked Percy, "you seem rather pale."

I looked at Percy and nodded, "yeah I'm fine. Just nervous to see Vincent after 2 years."

"So you've met him before?"

"For 5 years I believe." I said while counting with my fingers.

"That's quite a long time." Said Alison, "best friends?"

I looked at Vincent and he did the same to me. I then looked back to Alison, "kind of. More like comrades. We'd call it friendship but you'd call it rudeness." I said nodding.

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