Chapter 15- Why Dilid Why?

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"Thanks for the breakfast Vince." I say while standing up. He looks up at me with his mug on his lips, "where are you going?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I need to go back to headquarters." I say turning to look at him. Vincent puts his mug down, takes out a cigarette, lights it and places it in his mouth, "is that so?"

"Vincent it's bad for you-" I said but then paused at him leaning back on his chair, giving me a slight glare while the cigarette danced in his mouth. I sighed and headed out the door, "later Vincent." I said while flinging the door open.

Suddenly the door slams close and I look over my shoulder. Vincent had his foot on the door, "what are going to tell them?" He growled in a low voice that made my insides melt.

I looked at him then back at the door, "I couldn't find you."

"And why is that?"

"It'll probably be the last time I see you if I say I did find you." I replied while giving a firm look.

"Is that so." Vincent said while removing his foot from the door and opening it once again.

"So I can go?"

"Mhm." He said nodding.

I nodded and looked at him. He glanced at me with a confused face, "you're free to go Ev."

"I'd rather be captured here than free." I murmured while heading out the door and into the hallway. I could hear Vincent snicker and close the door. I walked in silence from the hallway to the elevator. I then headed out the building and into the cold crisp air.

I walked through the city when my eyes spotted a red haired girl walking with a guy.

Is that Dilid? That is her! Wait... Why is she with that guy?

Dilid was laughing with the young man and suddenly grabbed hold of his hand and walked.

Is she cheating? They do seem happy together... But she's supposed to be with Vincent.

I continue to stare at her and the man. I then see him and her give each other kisses.

Yeah she's cheating... Damn they're coming this way. I have to get out of here before she finds out I know she's cheating.

I looked around. Sighing, I grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled up the hoodie. I put it over my head and started to walk as my muscles started to stiffen with each step.

I hummed while trying to avoid eye contact. I gulped as I passed by them. I could feel them giving me a strange look.

"That jacket looks familiar..." I hear Dilid say. My body froze.

Shit. She needs to be distracted.

I exhaled air and continued walking. I then glance at her from the corner of my eye and see her looking at the man. I then ran to the nearest hiding spot. I took off my hoodie and exhale air in relief, "God that was so close..." I murmur to myself.

I stay in the hiding spot for a while longer before deciding to head out again. I continue walking and soon arrive back at headquarters.

As I enter the main hall, something was approaching me at a fast speed. I quickly dodge and I hear a thump on the floor, "ow! Fuck my face!" I hear Kyle say.

I look at him and laughed, "that's what you get freckles. You know how good my reflex skills are."

"Keep telling yourself that." He said standing up while massaging his face, "did you find Vincent?"

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