Chapter 8- Human

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I'm walking in a plain white room. I don't know where and I don't know why but I'm walking. There's really nowhere to go. I looked around the empty room. Nothing of course. I start to run in the room.

I soon catch a black spot in the plain scenery, "what is that?"

I ran towards it, soon recognizing whose silhouette it was, "Vincent!" I scream. He didn't seem to respond. I ran as fast as I could towards him, shouting his name, not receiving a response.

"Hey Vincent," I panted, "w-why aren't you responding to my shouts?"

Vincent was giving me his back. He looked like a statue. Frozen in time. I tried to glance at his face. One of his grey eyes then eyed down at me. His eye slowly blinked and looked away. Soon, he was walking away from me.

"H-hey!" I tell him while grabbing the sleeve of his jacket. Suddenly the whole atmosphere turns black. I paused, gulped, and looked around.

"Do me a favor and don't search for me Everly." Said Vincent in his monotone voice while looking ahead, giving me his back.

"W-what why?" I told him, naive of what was going on.

"Just listen for once." He said harshly. Suddenly the room filled with cacophony sounds. I let go of his sleeve to cover my ears. He started to walk away from me while leaving a red trail behind his feet, "I won't take long Ev." He said slowly.

The whole room started to shake horribly making me collapse on the floor yet Vincent walked with no difficulty.

"Oi! Celtic wake up!" Screamed a boy with a familiar voice.

"Aye! Leave her alone she's recovering!" Said a girl.

Is that Kyle and Eleanor I'm hearing? Kyle does always calls me by my last name...

"I think she's had enough recovery," Kyle said, "how about a pinch?"

"I'm up Kyle," I groaned, "were you the one shaking me?"

"So what if I was?" He said with a slight smirk.

"Screw you then." I said sitting up in my bedroom's bed.

"Oh thank god you're safe!" Said Eleanor while her long bangs fell over her face. Kyle was the child of the bunch. He acted like the typical 12 year old boy going though puberty. Eleanor was the mother. She was always calm and sweet. I'd sometimes think she didn't have the capacity to be tough.

Kyle was a redhead with freckles and brown eyes. He was also a bit tan and somewhat fit. He usually had a bandaid on his cheek due to his recklessness. Eleanor was a blond with long hair that almost reached up to her thighs. She had dark brown, almost black, eyes. Her cheeks and nose were always shaded a faint pink color.

"Are you okay Everly?" Asked Eleanor concerned, "you slept an awful amount of time"

"Yeah they just went a little overboard with the tranquilizer." I said holding my hair back. Eleanor then took off her bobby pin from her hair and placed it on mine to hold my hair back.

"Celtic, what happened to Vince?" Asked Kyle while sitting on a chair and throwing a ball to the ceiling.

"None of your business pubescent child." I scoffed.

He looked at me with a frown and continued to throw the ball up the ceiling. The room was awkwardly silent until Eleanor's sweet soft voice broke the ice, "is he coming back soon? According to Zelda, he was taken away from headquarters."

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