Chapter 11: Encounter

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I woke up to find Ivory cuddled next to me. It was kind of uncomfortable and very awkward.

Her eyes turned on and looked up to find me staring at her. She backed up immediately.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! I was just kind of cold, and..."

"I didn't think Exo cared whether or not they were cold. They're made out of cold metal." My Ghost interrupted.

At this, she ran outside in embarrassment. I turned to my Ghost. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

He teleported out of my hand. "It's true."

I followed Ivory outside to a strange sight. She was arguing with a human huntress, and was losing. I got in closer to hear what it was about.

"All I was trying to do was earn some money to survive!" The human was shouting. "You were so brutal! You fucking killed me! Literally! My brother must have drove himself crazy looking for me! You ruined everything, and now you're a Guardian?!" She took out her knife. "I should fix this mistake the Traveler clearly made!"

"No please! Mercy!" Ivory cried. "I'm sorry! It wasn't something I was conscious about. I didn't have control over myself."

I stepped in. "Please," I pushed them each apart. "I don't know exactly why you're fighting, but it isn't anything to kill each other over." I turned towards the human to take her knife, but stopped. It was Maya.

"Back the hell off!" Maya cried. "You don't know what she did! She ruined everything! My brother must have killed himself when he found out I was dead. All because I was trying to earn some money!" She was on the verge of crying, but she cleared her throat and continued in a strong voice. "I let him down. I broke my promise. All because of her!" She pointed an accusing finger towards Ivory.

I put her arm down and hugged her. She seemed taken aback, but didn't push me away.

I eventually broke away and looked into her eyes. "It's me, Maya. I'm Zero, your brother."

Tears filled her eyes. But they were quickly replaced by disgust as she punched me in the face. "Don't fuck with me." She yelled. "Don't you fuck with me! I don't know how you know my or my brothers name, but next time you wanna pull a sick, sadistic prank like this, try to look more like a human! Sick bastard!" And with that, she stormed off.

I just stood there like an idiot, cupping my cheek. "What just happened?" I asked myself.

Ivory walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. "Was that her?" She asked shakily.

"Did you really kill her?" I asked, getting angry.

Ivory gulped. "Yes. She was the girl I killed back then." Her voice sounded horrible as she admitted this. "I swear, Zero, I didn't know I was hurting anyone at the time! I'm sorry."

I was heartbroken. I looked into Ivory's eyes and saw that she was, too. But at the moment I didn't care. I turned and walked away.

The Hidden Truth (A Destiny Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora