Chapter 20: Exploring New Territories

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"Woman, give me those damn guns!" I scolded angrily as I swiped Ivory's hand cannons from her.

She had upgraded them to explosive rounds and killed two Guardians and a droid in her excitement. We had to take off on our ship completely unprepared for our mission before their Ghosts brought them back and pressed charges.

"From now on, your hand cannons will be in my possession unless we're on missions." I said sternly as I flew us to Venus, where the stranger's coordinates led.

"Aww, come on!" Ivory whined. "I promise I won't use them again while in the Tower! Promise!"

"Damn right you won't." I winked at her as I held them out for my Ghost to hide them somewhere. They dissolved out of my hand so I could focus on the ship's controls.

"I can't believe you're letting your boyfriend control you like that." Maya teased from the backseat.

"Can you stop saying that?!" Ivory asked her angrily, heating up. "For the last time, we're not a couple, dammit!"

"Sheesh, calm your tiny tits." She chuckled as she poked Ivory's chest. I can't help chuckling as she slapped my sister's hand away and gave her a cold glare.

"It's nice to see you two getting along again." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up." They snapped in unison.

I landed the ship on a plains in Venus. We all got out after I reluctantly returned the hand cannons to Ivory, who was more than a little excited to snatch them back from me.

"This colony was built by the Ishtar Collective. Records say they once studied ruins older than humanity itself. We thought this was all lost in the Collapse." My Ghost awed.

"Whatever." I replied, already bored. "Where will we find this stranger who contacted us in the Temple of Crota?"

"Some distance from here, but we can't access our sparrows yet." He replied sullenly. "There used to be a Guardian outpost nearby. Let's see what they have on this place."

I nodded and we followed our Ghosts to a pathetic little building with a smaller machine inside, taking out a few Fallen along the way. We waited as our Ghosts took turns scanning the machine.

"We're linked. Sparrow's accessible." Robo announced when he had finished scanning.

"There's a lot here about some war machines called the Vex." Maya's Ghost mused. "Indestructible, relentless, supremely intelligent. And they can teleport. Great."

"Can't be any worse than the Hive." Maya pointed out.

"I refuse to believe anything can be worse than the Hive." I shuddered, remembering my second death.

"You guys have no idea." My Ghost chuckled sadly. "In any case, Guardians used to have sensors to track them. Let's get 'em back online."

We summoned our sparrows and rammed through more Fallen as our Ghosts lead us into another building.

"These sensors are extensive." Maya's Ghost mused after I had activated them. "Okay, we should be able to track these machines. Let's head to those coordinates and find out what she wants us to see."

"Finally. I can't wait to meet this stalker." Maya laughed.

The Ghosts led us into an eerie tunnel when our sensors went off all of a sudden, then calmed down just as quickly.

"Detecting Vex... like we're surrounded." My Ghost looked around uncertainly, but we were definitely alone in this cave.

"Ready your weapons, just to be safe." I told the girls as I reloaded my machine gun. Ivory pulled out her hand cannons and Maya her rocket launcher.

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