Chapter 26: Waking the Eye

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Maya had disappeared with my ship again this morning, and Lazarus with his. It pissed me off, since we had to go back to Mars today, but I guess we'll just have to wait for them to get back.

"Good morning." Ivory yawned as she came out from her room.

"Hey." I greeted back before giving her a quick kiss on her forehead.

She smiled warmly as her body began to heat up. "So when are we going to Mars?" She asked.

"As soon as my wonderful sister comes back with our ship." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"She went out with Lazarus again?" She asked, slightly taken aback.

"She's with Lazarus?" That caught me by surprise.

She laughed at this. "Well if he's gone too, then I imagine that's the case."

"Interesting..." I said with a smirk. "So, what do you want to do while we wait?"

"Well, there's nobody around to bother us..." She grinned as she pulled me in for a kiss, which I happily returned.

It's a funny thing. A few months ago, I wouldn't have allowed this. She was (and still is) new to her self awareness, and there were lots of things she had yet to understand. I thought that as she matured she would forget about what she felt for me back then.

But I was wrong. When she kissed me yesterday, I realized that she understood these feelings more than ever. She had gone through a lot throughout our journey, and I realized that she was ready to experience love.

And I also realized, that I actually had feelings to return to her.

We kissed for several long seconds before breaking away slowly. I looked down at her and smiled warmly. It's rare for me to feel the joy I was feeling then. The last time was when I discovered that Maya was also residing at the Tower. And the last time before that was way back, back when my parents were still alive.

"I'm sorry to interrupt..." My Ghost interrupted as he forced himself between myself and Ivory. "But should you spend your time doing something more productive, like training for this next mission?"

I glared at him angrily. "And here I thought the author had forgotten about you."

"I'm just here to remind you of your duties to the Tower." He replied calmly.

I sighed and turned back to Ivory.

"I guess it isn't such a bad idea." She shrugged.



I spent the rest of the morning at the foot of the Tower training Ivory to use different types of weapons. I trained her to use a sniper rifle as well as a machine gun, since those were the two weapon types I was most experienced with. She didn't make any amazing improvements, but she at least now she'd be able to defend herself if her hand cannons couldn't be used.

After that, we climbed back up the Tower to find Maya waiting in our quarters.

"Hmm..." She started with a smile creeping inter her face. "I wonder where you two could have gone for the entire morning..."

"The same could be said for you and Lazarus." I countered with a sarcastic chuckle.

Her smile quickly faded as she turned to me with a more serious expression. "We were venting stuff out at the Crucible, you weirdo."

"How's that coming along?"

"Well how the hell do you expect me to put up with a stupid camper?!" She blew up all of a sudden. "That guy's such a coward he can't even take me face to face!"

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