Chapter 22: Decisions

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Lazarus' POV

"There you are!" I looked up from my book to find my Ghost approaching me. "I don't know which is my hardest job: hacking into Golden Age computers or trying to find you in the Tower."

I chuckled lightly and held my book out for him. "I just like to find a quiet place to read. Sorry."

"I don't know why you spend so much time reading. Knowledge and power is gained from experience on the battlefield." He sighed.

"Well, take a look at what I didn't learn on the battlefield." I retorted as I formed a fireball in my hand and launched it at a barrel nearby.

"A Nova Bomb. Nice." He turned to me. "Most Warlocks learn that ability through gaining experience on the battlefield."

"Oh, shut up!" I laughed.

"In any case, the FWC wants us to bring another fuel sample analysis from the Golden Age."

"Another one?" I groaned as I put my book away reluctantly.

"C'mon, the sooner we finish, the sooner you can get back to whatever you're reading." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him and went to look for my ship.


I landed in the Cosmodrome and made my way for the Rocketyard, brushing through the Fallen with ease. It was the Hive I truly despised and usually had a hard time with.

I hid behind a large crate and counted the enemies I'd have to deal with. Two Knights and seven Acolytes. Great.

I formed the Nova Bomb in my hand and hurled it towards the Knights. I then finished the Acolytes with my favorite hand cannon: The Chance. Courtesy of the Future War Cult.

Once done, I made my way into a building, where I would find the sample needed. I found a large tube and deployed my Ghost to analyze the sample when I heard a roar.

I turned to find three more Knights, accompanied by a Wizard. Just my luck.

"Lazarus, cover me." My Ghost ordered. I nodded in response and threw a Scatter Grenade in their direction.

I managed to do damage, but none were dead yet. I launched another Nova Bomb towards the Knights when the Wizard unleashed the black, poisonous fog. I heard several explosions as I tried to crawl out of the fog, but I was taking no damage. Has another Guardian arrived to help me?

The fog had finally cleared up, allowing me to breathe again. I had already taken out my rocket launcher and took aim at the Wizard, not hesitating as I took the killing shot. I then took cover behind a crate and took my sniper rifle. I took aim and used up a round finishing off the Knights. Excellent.

Nobody was around. I wondered what the Knights were shooting at. I brushed off my robes and returned to where my Ghost was analyzing the sample, only to find a lifeless shell on the ground.


Present Day

I got up from my bed and quickly dressed into my robes. I glanced at the lifeless Ghost shell on my desk for a moment before picking up my book and leaving my quarters.

I turned in a few bounties and headed towards the hangar, where I was normally able to read without being disturbed throughout the week. The weekends were a different story; with Xur always taking that space and attracting tens of desperate Guardians, I was forced to retreat to my ship in the garage for privacy.

I entered the hangar only to bump head first into another Guardian, knocking her down.

"Watch where you're going!" We barked practically at the same time. I realized this was that Huntress from yesterday.

"Oh, it's you." She stood up and brushed herself off. "I had a really good comeback for you yesterday but you left before I could even open my mouth, coward!" She scolded as she pointed an accusing finger into my chest.

"A comeback?" I crossed my arms, unamused.

"Yes." She cleared her throat for emphasis. "I may be irresponsible, but at least I'm not a nerd! Look at me! I'm a level 31 Warlock who can throw fireballs and shit! No, wait! They're not fireballs; they're Nova Bombs! Totally different, and much cooler sounding." She then began skipping in circles around me, pretending to Force Push me while shouting "Pshew, pshew! Force be with you, motherfuckers! Pshew!"

A big part of me wanted to Force Push her off the Tower. But a smaller part found this amusing.

"Are you finished?" I asked impatiently.

"Pshew!" She shouted, smothering her hand in my face. "Yes. Now in finished." She replied, smiling in satisfaction.

"How old are you again?"

"Biologically, seventeen. If the time I've been dead counts, then several hundred years old."

"Shouldn't your parents have taught you to behave like a proper lady at this age, or are they like y-" I was interrupted by a knife to my throat.

"It's in your best interests to shut your mouth." She hissed into my ear after some time, before releasing me and storming off. What was that about?

I opened my book, but closed it immediately, already having lost interest. I realized I never got that Huntress' name. Then again, I was fine knowing her as 'that Huntress bitch'.

Probably not. I left my book on top of a desk and headed for her team's quarters. The Titan opened the door.

"It's you again." He said casually.

"How is that EXO woman doing?" I asked.

"You mean Ivory? She's fine." He replied. "Just needs to rest for a day or two."

"You're a Striker."

"Excuse me?"

"If you had used Ward of Dawn, your team wouldn't have gotten into that mess yesterday. You didn't use it because you're a Striker." I explained to him.

"It's just my stronger suit..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"You're in a fire team. You can't only focus on your own strengths; you need to think about what benefits the entire team." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"In that case, why don't you join?"

His question took me aback. "Join?"

"You seem to have a lot of experience as a Guardian, and we could definitely use the help." He smiled warmly.

"Flattering." I frowned. "But I work alone. Being part of a fire team is not a responsibility I'd want to deal with." And with that, I walked off.

I made my way into my quarters and shut the door, moving to pick up the dead Ghost shell and turn it around in my hands. What would my Ghost have said?

No harm in joining a fire team. Safety in numbers, after all. Yeah, that's what.

I put him down gently and raced back to the hangar where I had left my book.

Lazarus made ONE or TWO comments about Hunters in the last chapter, and that sparked a ridiculously long argument in the comments. Please don't start that again here, because honestly 100+ spam messages is kind of ridiculous. I know I provoked some readers in this chapter, and I'm sorry, but in my defense I had this chapter planned out before that last argument started and did not feel like changing anything. Thanks :3

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