Chapter 9: Oh the Disappointment

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"Well, um, thank you Zero." The female Exo said awkwardly. "I never knew I had an alien brother." She smiled, loosening up a little.

"Ah. Never mind that." My mood visibly darkened, and I walked away abruptly.

How humiliating. Not only did I humiliate myself in front of an Exo stranger, but I couldn't even find my sister. I began to tear up when the Exo woman came up to me.

"Look," she started. "I don't know who you thought I was, but I'm really grateful for you saving me back there. Even though you probably wouldn't have done so if you knew I wasn't the girl you were looking for." Her tone saddened.

"That's not true. I would have helped you out no matter who you are. I'm just a little bit disappointed..."

"I understand. It must be difficult not being with someone you love. Not that I would know. I don't have anyone."

I looked at her. "How did you die?" I asked bluntly.

She seemed taken aback by my question. "Ah, well... I was trying to save some people, but I couldn't escape." She said shyly.

"Those people must have been important to you." I noted sympathetically.

"They owned me." She explained sullenly. "I felt I had an obligation to save them."

"They owned you?" I asked.

"Yes. I wasn't always as self-aware as I am now. You see, I was programmed without emotions on purpose." I leaned forward, showing my interest. "Aha, well, my owners gambled with me in illegal Exo fights. My only purpose was to fight and earn them money, until I killed a human girl one day. It hurt a lot, realizing that I was being used to take lives, but I think I redeemed myself when my owners were in danger." She smiled to herself.

"That's a hell of a story." I exclaimed. "I assume that you were just recently brought back to life, then?"

"That's right," The Exo nodded. "Robo here brought me back to life." She said, motioning towards her Ghost.

"You named your Ghost 'Robo?'"

"Yeah. He was my first real friend. He deserves a unique name besides 'Ghost.""

"Hmm. Y'know, I have a few good ideas of names for you." I grinned towards my Ghost, who shrunk back quietly. "So anyways." I turned back to the Exo woman. "You know my name is Zero, but I haven't heard your name yet."

"Oh, well I don't really have a name. I used to go by KATL-7, but I don't like that name. I want a person's name, you know?"

"Oh. Have you come up with anything yet?" I asked her.

"Robo..." She looked down in embarrassment. "I'm not really good with names."

"Oh, well..." I thought for a little bit. "How about 'Ivory?' It matches the color of your plating." I smiled warmly.

"Ivory..." She mumbled slowly, as if tasting it. "I like it!" She said happily. "Ivory."

I couldn't help but laugh at her childishness. "Well, do you have anywhere to go now?" I asked her.

"Huh? Umm, not really." She said. "I this is actually my first time at the Tower..."

"Well, you're more than welcome to come with us." I motioned to myself and my Ghost, who teleported away somewhere.

"A-are your sure?" She stammered, clearly taken aback. "I don't want to be a burden or anything..."

"Of course! I can't just leave you alone." I smiled sympathetically.

"Thank you...!"

Hell yeah! Two chapters in one day! Hopefully makes up for my late update XD hope you enjoyed, and that it wasn't too short.

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