Chapter 8: Sister

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"Well that went well."

I grabbed my Ghost and squeezed him hard in front of my face.

"It absolutely did NOT go well. You completely humiliated me in front of the Speaker!"

"He was the one who doubted whether I had chosen my Guardian wisely. I had nothing to do with that." He replied calmly, teleporting out of my hand.

"Ugh! Forget it." There were more important things to worry about.

The Speaker told us about what happened while I was dead, and a bit before that. The Darkness was coming back, and the Traveler was no longer able to protect us. But before becoming completely powerless, he created the Ghosts to seek out Guardians who could wield the Light to battle the Darkness. I couldn't believe it the Traveler could be defeated. I was still in denial.

Then I remembered I had to go meet Commander Zavala for some training.

"I'm gonna go take care of something. Don't follow me and don't cause any trouble while I'm gone. I'll be back in a couple of hours." I told the Ghost.

He simply disappeared into thin air. Good enough for me.


I made it to the Hall of Guardians to find Commander Zavala chatting with my Ghost. Of course.

"I'm ready for my training, Commander." I called out as I approached.

"Ah? Oh, of course." He smiled warmly. "Your Ghost has been telling me you have trouble using a rifle properly. So we'll start with that."



"I'm think I'm starting to get the hang of this!" I was shooting the practice dummies left and right with actually decent aim.

"Yes, you have improved much in these few hours." Zavala laughed. "It makes me wonder exactly how survived in the Cosmodrome when your Ghost first resurrected you."

"He broke his rifle," my Ghost explained. "Bashing the Fallen with it as we searched for his ship."

"You used your rifle as a melee weapon?" Zavala shook his head in astonishment. "First you had my curiosity. Now, I have taken quite an interest in you."

I laughed as I continued shooting the targets, not missing nearly as much as I had before.


"Remind me what we're doing back in Russia." I ordered my Ghost.

"There are are reports that the Fallen back at the Cosmodrome are keeping a pretty tight guard on the old Skywatch. Could be one of their leaders, or it could be something valuable. The Speaker's asking Guardians to look into it."

"Alright then. We're landing now." I landed the ship in the center of the Cosmodrome.

I missed my old ship. Being able to fly in it again made me feel nostalgic about my little adventure, despite it having been a complete failure.

The Ghost took my ship to get repaired while I chose my class; one of the many expenses the little bastard made with my money. He also took the liberty in buying me an auto rifle, a sniper rifle, and a machine gun. Sure, I'm grateful he took the time to help me out. I just wish he'd told me about it before spending nearly all my funds.

"Hey! Snap out of it, Guardian." My Ghost woke me up. "The Skywatch is just on the other side of the Steppes. And it's surrounded by Fallen. I'm ready if you are."

I loaded my auto rifle and followed my Ghost towards the direction of the Skywatch. I had to take care of a few Fallen on the way, but it wasn't such a big issue anymore. Most of them barely had a chance to even ready their weapons before I was on them. The training was definitely worth it.

"I see you're proud of yourself for learning how to kill properly." my Ghost chuckled. "But be sure not to let your guard down."

"Aww, look at the little Ghost worrying about me." I taunted playfully.

He chose to ignore me. "Up the hill. The building within the radar. That's the Skywatch."

"Alright." I reloaded my auto rifle and entered the building.

"This was one of Skywatch's old array stations--a link to the lunar colonies."

"Thanks for the info, but I need a companion that can hack into computers and shit; not a flying encyclopedia." I joked.

I'm sure that if Ghosts could make facial expressions, he would have given a pretty nasty look. We kept going in silence until we found a locked door.

"Dead end. Fallen sealed this gate, but I can get it open."

"Then open it."

He started scanning a small panel beside the door. "The Fallen really didn't want anyone getting in. Or out." He muttered before finally unlocking the door. "Hmm, there's lots of motion ahead. Let's take this one step at a time."

I proceeded into the complex with utmost caution, weapon ready to defend us if necessary. Suddenly a huge wave of zombie-like creatures appeared out of nowhere and ambushed us. They weren't like anything I've ever seen before.

"The Hive! They're already here!" The Ghost shouted.

I threw a flashbang grenade, blinding them momentarily before taking them out in their state of confusion.

"Bleh." I grimaced. "I don't know what these are, but I hate them already."

"These aren't Fallen." My Ghost informed. "This is another species of Darkness, known as the Hive. You just took out a wave of Thrall." He flew over their corpses, examining them. "The Hive haven't been on Earth in centuries. The Darkness could be a lot closer than we think. We should probably get moving."

I suddenly heard a distant scream.

"What is that?" I asked the Ghost.

"There's a Wizard here, but they don't usually make that kind of noise."

I heard it again, this time accompanied by a voice: "Help! Help please!" It called out. Somehow, that voice sounded familiar to me...

"I think the Wizard is holding a hostage!" I exclaimed. "Let's move!"

I ran towards the sound of the screaming, until I saw a figure. A huntress backed against a corner armed with nothing but a dagger, being attacked by the Wizard. That voice, it finally hit me. And filled me with intense rage.

"Maya!" I took out my machine gun and started shooting towards the Wizard, but nothing happened. I noticed it had no ammunition. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I shouted to my Ghost. "You bought me all these weapons with no ammunition?!"

"You didn't have the funds." He replied plainly.

I took out a flashbang grenade and threw it at the Wizard. I ran up to it while it was blinded and punched that beast with a little power up called adrenaline.

"Don't you touch her! Don't ever touch her!" I shouted as I shot it's lifeless corpse with the rest of my ammunition.

"I think you've made your point." My Ghost called out from the room's entrance.

I turned around and grabbed the huntress' hand. "Follow me. I'll help you get out of here." She nodded nervously as I half dragged her out of the building.

We boarded my ship and took off. She just sat awkwardly in the back seat in silence. I decided to tell her everything when we got to the Tower, where it was safe.

We arrived in a matter of minutes. I took off my helmet as soon as she got off the ship.

"I don't know if you'll recognize me." I started, brushing my hair with my hand awkwardly. "I've gone through a few changes but, it's me. It's Zero, your brother."

"Oh..." She stammered uncomfortably, also removing her helmet.

"Oh, the disappointment." My Ghost whined.

Hey, yeah I'm so very sorry. I know this update was super late. I hope it was long enough to satisfy you until the next update. I promise I'll try to update more often, I just had a huge writers block. Either way, I hope you enjoy, and continue to enjoy my Destiny fan fiction :)

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