Chapter 5: All Is Lost

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I noticed something very strange as I was returning home. My hands! They were blue!

I hadn't looking in a mirror since I left, but I now saw that my entire skin had turned blue, my hair had gone white, and my eyes were glowing.

How strange. What could have caused this? Was it from being in space for so long? That was my only explanation at the moment.

But more importantly, how am I gonna tell people about the door if I'm a freak from space? They might believe I'm another monster and try to kill me. I didn't know what to do.

I guess for now I'll just land and stay in my ship until Maya could come for me and take me home for refuge.

I was excited to see her again, but there was a small amount of doubt in my mind. What if something happened?

"No, Zero." I told myself. I did that often now. "She's fine. Have some faith in her."

I guess I wouldn't know until I got home.


I landed near an abandoned gas station and tried contact Maya, but there was no answer.

"No worries, Zero. Maybe she's just busy right now." I tried to console myself. "Try again tomorrow ."

The next day, I tried again. Still no answer. Then I tried to call Vladimir to see if I could return the ship anytime soon. He didn't answer either. My curiosity got the better of me.

I left my ship and went out to explore. There were no people to be found. Did something happen?

As I was lost in my thoughts a monster appeared in front of me. I quickly hid behind a trash bin and tried to breathe slowly.

I looked out from behind to see if it was still there. It seemed to have left, but as I got up I heard a screech from behind me.

Without thinking, I turned around and punched it at full force, causing it to fly back a foot or two. I ran over and finished beating the crap out of it until I was absolutely positive that it was dead.

For such a creep, it sure was pathetic. At least now I knew I could somewhat fend for myself.


I felt like I'd been walking for miles, and I haven't seen any signs of human life anywhere. I'd seen plenty of corpses though, which worried me. But I haven't found Maya's corpse yet.

I finally found my way to the ghetto after a few hours. What was once a street always bustling with stoners and other homeless people was now completely deserted, with an occasional corpse lying around here or there. Thankfully, Maya wasn't among them.


Days went by, and I had yet to find a single living person. There was the awful stench of rotting corpses lingering about, and I was beginning to lose any hopes of finding my sister.

I shouldn't have left her, I thought. Perhaps if I had stayed, we would have stood a lasting chance together. We've made it along together for such a long time. Nothing could have stopped us if we hadn't been separated, right?

I wandered about for a long time, not willing to continue if what was left of my family was gone forever. In the end, I chose not to resist when the Darkness finally found me.

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