Chapter 8: Meet Again

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This chapter is a bit longer than my usual ones.  It would have been uploaded in time if Wattpad hadn't been upgrading its servers for the past two days.  So, enjoy!

Brie’s P.O.V

I had one thing to say about Snape.  He worked fast.  I braced myself for the end.  This was it, be brave and accept it, my thoughts were trembling, but my body hardened, showing no emotion.  Slowly I pulled my wand from my pocket and turned around to face the enemy.

I was going to go down with a fight.  I would not cry, that I promised myself.  All that time in the forest came in handy for hardening my emotions.  My eyes looked up from the floor into a pair of deep blue ones.

“So, we meet again,” he spoke calmly, a charming smile creeping upon his lips as though he had won some sort of competition. 

My mind flashed back to just a week ago when I made my trip to Diagon alley and I bumped into a familiar looking man.  That person was stood right in front of me.

“I guess we do.” No matter what the situation was I wasn’t going to forget my manners.

His eyes never left mine.  “I’m Remus,” he stuck his hand out to me, “Remus Lupin.”  

Realisation dawned upon me immediately.  I knew this man.  He was one if the famous four back in school, along with James Potter.  I hesitated before taking his hand, processing the solved puzzle.  His face produced a questioning look making my chest tighten with panic.  I couldn’t tell him my name.  I couldn’t trust him, like Severus.  He could be a Death Eater for all I know, he was travelling alone the last time we met.

I mentally shrugged the crazy thought off.  He was a Gryffindor, always the goody-two-shoes of the four friends.  Before I could think any more on it, I took his warm hand in mine.  “Brie Walsh,” I smiled back at him secretly hoping he didn't recognise me.  I waited in agony for his face to change expression, but it never happened.  The feeling of dread slowly left my stomach and began to fade away.

Remus dropped my hand after neither of us let go and turned back to the box if things of must of been coming in for.  “So, Brie, what are you doing here?” he asked casually.

“I could ask you the same thing.  You do know it’s haunted, right?”  I was still scared of the fact ghosts were around us, but a feeling of safety rested within me that Remus was here.  Suddenly as though to prove my point, he dropped a glass object from the box he was moving.  My jittery mind instantly put me on the edge of insanity.  I jumped into the air as the glass shattered, cutting through the eerier atmosphere. 

“It isn't haunted,” he told me seriously.  “And I’m here to pick up some belongings I’ve kept in storage.” 

I couldn’t make small talk right now.  He was putting me off making my next move; before we know it, the Death Eaters would have us both.  Now I felt obliged to tell him what I was doing here.  I just had to keep it simple and breath.  “Hiding.”  

“Nice hiding place; a 'haunted' house,” he mocked me.  A smile instantly appeared on my face, as the unusual feeling of happiness spread like warmth in my veins, unfreezing my cold heart of hatred.  I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt this feeling.

“I was in a rush,” I told him honestly.  I really couldn’t see the harm in telling him anything, after all, he didn’t seem to be a bad person.

Remus walked down the dirty narrow corridor and placed the box onto the floor and then came back for another.  He was going to take a long time if he carried on doing it the muggle way and the Death Eaters would be here soon.  We both had to leave.  I walked in his direction and bent down to pick up a dusty box rubbing the dirt against my summer dress. 

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