Chapter 18: Take Action

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Dedicated to StillDanielle for staying with this story!

Sirius’ P.O.V

The dark clouds outside were gathering together, brewing a storm that had been forecasted for days now.  As the rain began to pour in giant droplets of water, I drummed my fingers against the leather chair in rhythm, each sound echoing throughout the empty room.

I was faced to the large window with my back to the rest of the room, thinking through what I could do.

There was only one thing I could do.  Tell Dumbledore about Bellatrix.

Only he could sort out this mess my friend had gotten himself into.  Only he could stop the evil from worming its way into the good side.

I was so involved into my train of thought that I didn’t hear Lily enter the room until she placed her hand on my tensed shoulder.  Immediately I jumped into the air as though someone had shot me, surprising Lily in the process.  Behind her, near the door I could see the dark shadow of James waiting for her.

“Hey,” she said softly, her big green eyes showing concern.  “What’s wrong?”

So that’s why they were both here.  They wanted to know what was wrong.

I turned around to face them fully.  “He has gotten himself into a mess,” I muttered more to myself than to them.  “I’ve got to do something.”

I walked past Lily, ignoring the confused expression on her face.  No one else needed to be worried about this issue that was growing by the day.  Before I could escape through the door to the hall way, James grabbed me by the shoulder, stopping me from leaving.

I could see the questions mounting up on his lips, wanting answers to my distant behaviour for the last few weeks.  I shook my head hoping he would understand, and he did.  He knew this was something I had to do; therefore all our years of friendship meant he didn’t have to question it.  He trusted me.

At that, I left into the storm and apparated to the one place I knew I would get help with dealing with my best friend’s problem.  The one place I knew there was never any problems.  I was going home to Hogwarts.

~          *          ~

Dumbledore’s office had never changed from the first time I had been sent here for going into the Forbidden Forest.  I glanced around the room noticing the forever growing collection books and trinkets that the headmaster had probably collected over his long life. 

At the moment, the office was empty.  I had been escorted here by the caretaker, Filch, who still hated me for giving him grief in my seven years at the school.  However, at the great iron gates, I had greeted him like an old friend just to see his shocked reaction that I was back.  I wouldn’t have be surprised if he was waiting outside just to make sure I didn’t disrupt the peace.

I slumped down into a seat opposite Dumbledore’s desk and waited for the man to make his appearance.  Within minutes he came through the door with a pleasant smile on his face making him look a lot younger.

“Ahh, Sirius!  What can I do for you?” he asked taking a seat opposite me.

I frowned for a moment thinking how to put across that Remus Lupin was ‘involved’ with a Death Eater.

“Albus,” I greeted him formally with his first name, “I have a delicate issue to discuss with you.”

He nodded for me to go ahead, still looking cheerful.

“I believe we have an issue with… Remus,” I looked up to see his white eye brows raise above his piercing blue eyes.  “I think, no I know, that he has something to do with the followers of Him,” I kinda blurted out, not knowing how to word it so that I could explain the real issues at hand.

Dumbledore didn’t look shocked.  He didn’t look disgusted.  He looked amused, as though the situation was funny.  “Oh, no he isn’t, I assure you that Remus Lupin doesn’t have anything to do with them.”

I was stunned at his reaction to my news.  Did he not understand how important and dangerous this situation could possibly be if it was found out to be true?

Obviously not.

“But… But I have evidence!” I grasped to anything I could to make him see the sense I saw.  “It’s Bellatrix!  She is messing with his mind like she always does!”

He leaned forward across the table, shaking his head sadly.  “It is not Bellatrix that has captured the attention of young Remus,” he told me and I opened my mouth to ask who, but he cut me off.  “It is not for me to say, but for him.”

Anger began to boil inside of me.  How could the foolish old man not see what was happening within his own army?  How could he not stop the possibility of evil overcoming the good?

“It’s my dear old cousin, Bellatrix,” I spat whilst standing up, too fidgety to sit down any longer.  “She sent him a note by the way; I saw it and she signed it ‘B’.  Now if that isn’t ringing alarm bells, then why has he been so distant?  Why would he not tell us about someone he met?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment before he spoke, “Because he is worried about how his friends will react.  That is a fact I know.”

I widened my eyes, “BECAUSE SHE IS A DEATH EATER!” I roared now making my way to the door.  If he wasn’t going to take action, then I was.

“You’re wrong, Sirius,” he called out making me turn around, my hand on the door handle ready to leave.  I met his eyes, “Don’t go and do something stupid.”

I didn’t know what he meant by that last line, but I was going to go and pay my friend an unexpected visit.


Okay so I didn't want to end it there, but I needed to.  Which POV do you want the next chapter to be in?  Remus' or Brie's?  TELL ME AND I'LL DO IT.

Also, this story is roughly set around Halloween now, and that means that it will only be a year until Lily and James die :(  so that means that this story is roughly half way through now, or just under.  I really want to get it finished, so I am going to upload every weekend OR more, depending on how much feedback I get on each chapter.  SO PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!  

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