Chapter 17: The Werewolf Army - part two

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I totally didn't think it through when I put a part one, so none of this chapter is really planned.

Brie’s P.O.V

Greyback.  He was the brains behind the whole idea to have a werewolf army.  The one who bit children, robbing them of their childhood and life, and then he sat, hoping they'll join in the army to overcome the world.

I looked deep into Remus’ blue eyes noticing the sadness that lingered deep within them.  I realised instantly what the problem was and took a hold of the top of his arms, making him look at me.

“You are not him,” I said firmly making him believe it.  “You never will be.”

His expression changed slightly, wrinkling up in disgust.  “How can you be so sure?” I heard him say quietly, more to himself than to me.

“Because I know you, I know you have a heart, and care, and don't want this.  You never wanted this,” I really wanted him to see sense and get on with the job at hand instead of being dazed with guilt and stress.  I knew what I said was true.   I desperately wanted him to believe those words and his next sentence made my heart fluttered slightly as he smiled.

“I believe you.”  The sadness from moments ago had disappeared slowly from my favourite eyes.

I smiled a genuine smile at this; it felt as though we were frozen in time.  “Go-” I was cut off.  The peace broken between us was too good to be true.

“Well, well, well, here we have fresh meat,” spoke one of the male figures who were quickly nearing us.  I had forgotten about the other werewolves who were around us, forgotten we weren’t alone in the forest.  I cast my eyes over the dark wooded area, but I couldn’t see any of the faces, just the black shadows of people.

I repeated the words ‘fresh meat’ in my mind a few times before the jigsaw piece clicked into place.  They meant us.

“Don't be scaring away the believers of the cause,” another voice said.  This one was different, it belonged to a female.  I wanted to shout out and protect us, but I stayed quiet out of fear.  I knew how dangerous this situation was.

The male laughed, his voice booming and echoing throughout the trees.  “Give up, Deana,” he said between laughs.  I noticed he had a slight Texas twang to his American accent.  “So are you here for the cause?” he asked curiously.

It was time to act.  Time to lie our way to safety.  Put on a show so we could save our own skins.

“Yes,” Remus spoke up bravely, not showing at all that he was afraid of these people.  I instantly felt safe in his presence, like these people around couldn't harm me whilst I was with him.

He had confirmed that we were here for the werewolf war cause, but it didn’t seem to satisfy the woman named, Deana.

“That werewolves should take over the wizard population?”  She asked further, trying to make sure.  What if they didn’t believe us?  We would be eaten alive. 

I still couldn't see their faces although they were mere meters away from where we stood and that was what scared me the most.  Just the odd gleam of their white teeth, as they spoke was the indication that they were people.

Remus spoke up again, holding my hand firmly.  “Why else would we be here?”

Slowly, the woman revealed herself.  Her legs walked towards us and she came into the dim light.  Shock set within myself as I noticed her long blond was delicately curled down her back along with a fine face and petite figure.   

She looked like a model.  The kind of girl that every man would want to be with.

Quickly I took my eyes from her and glanced over to Remus, a little bit of jealously building up inside of me because of her looks, but it was squished.  He wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to her, his eyes resting on the shadows waiting for the man to reveal himself.

And, he slowly did.

“We know there are people fighting against this cause,” he said knowledgeably, but didn't sound threatening.  “We have been sent from America to hunt them.”

I glanced at his dark tanned skin and his cowboy hat planted firmly on his head.  Anyone would be able to tell this man was not from England, from his boots to his accent.

“There are people fighting against it?” he asked with fake shock.  Then his voice changed to a firm and quiet one, “Talking about the cause that way will get you killed here.”

“We know you stupid boy,” Deana said hurriedly.  “Don’t play dumb with me, we know why you're here.”

I felt my palms start to get sweaty as I thought about how to get out of this situation alive.  I had no options.  My eyes were wide with fear of what could possibly happen.  Remus was also in a scared shock as his mind raced for an answer.  The hold on my hand tightened. 

“What do you know?” Remus asked straight no longer beating around the bush to why we were here.  

Deana showed a wicked smile that made my heart race faster.  “That,” she lowered her voice to a whisper, “You’re spies for the good side.” 

This was it.  We were going to die. 

“Don't look so scared, Lupin,” said the nameless Texas man.  “We are here too, from the American Ministry of Magic.”

A sudden relief made my chest lighten, but Remus stayed put, not believing them.

“Prove it.”

At that demand the man and woman both looked at each other in the eye and then around were we were stood.  Happy that we were alone, away from the other people, they reached their hands down their tops fumbling around for something.

Finally, in their hands they produced something small that took me a moment to realise what it actually was.  It was a dog tag on a necklace, showing the name and identification of each of the people in front of us.  The tall man was named Lennie from his tag, but I was confused to why they were showing these in order to gain trust.  I looked over the Remus, waiting for some sort of explanation.

“Every member who works for the American Ministry of Magic, by law has to wear one or these necklaces,” Remus said to me, but kept looking at the necklaces. 

Then he redirected the conversation to Deana and Lennie.  “That doesn't mean that you're good, you could have killed and stolen-”

He stopped speaking as they both shook their heads at him.

“It’s impossible to steal these.  They can never be removed by anyone apart from the Minister of Magic himself.  Working for the American ministry is a commitment, a lifelong job, and when you are dismissed, only then they can remove your identification,” Lennie spoke this with pride and a hint of sadness, like he didn’t know what he signed up for in the beginning.

“It means we can be trusted.  We are against the Dark Lord and are looking for the English group who are fighting against him too.  We aren’t imposters,” Deana said truthfully.

Remus looked at me and I could see that we had both mutually agreed on something.

We didn’t know what to think, but we both knew that there were more good people in the world than we originally thought so.

I think, no, I know I've lost readers for this story, and that makes me sad ):  I don't know why you are leaving.  I'm sorry for the wait, I just finished my exams and moved to a new country, so hopefully from now on I will be able to update much more often!  

The next chapter will be in Sirius' POV and he still thinks it's Bellatrix, so he will probably do something stupid!

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