Chapter 3: Company

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Brie’s P.O.V

I should never have left the forest today.  Of course I had left the woods before to make quick visits to shops with what little money I had, but I never made a habit of it nor attended any shops that I knew wizards would be near.  I didn’t know what somebody would do if they recognised me.  So going to Diagon Alley today was an exception.  

I only wanted potion ingredients so I could brew any potions I possible could need, and it resulted in knocking someone over.  I really can’t be trusted around other people, they don’t even have to look at me and I hurt them in some way.  The stranger had surprised me, especially the small scars on his skin, they looked like war wounds.  He was also different.  So many people don’t stop to help or talk to others because everyone but you is the enemy.  This man was kind to a total stranger; it had shaken me up a little.

I laid my potion ingredients on the table, thinking over what happened today.  He was so nice to me, something that I didn’t expect any human to be to me again.  Was the war making people better?  I seriously doubted that, the news from the other creatures in the forest, especially the centaurs, was that the world was overcrowded with undetected bad people, making everyone dangerous.

I have never experienced the damage the war has done to others, so how could I take a side when I have problems of my own.  I was a Slytherin myself, with Death Eater parents, surely I would spared my life if evil won.  What if the good side won?  Again would I be spared for hiding out in the woods and not taking a side?  I could hope so.

I glanced down at the potion ingredients.  I had a week to make all the possible antidotes and other potions I could possibly need and then I would leave after the full moon has completed its night.  This was it; I was going to be free again.

~          *          ~

The air outside was cold for a late May morning, or maybe it was just me.  The hairs on my arms were raised ready for the full moon that would be happening tonight.  Just like every month, my body knew when it was and prepared itself for the changeover.  A round of nerves danced in my stomach as I hoped tonight would be the last time I see this place.  I glance at the clock on the small fireplace – 6:30pm.  The day would soon be dissolving into night and the pain of the transformation would come and go once again.  I couldn’t stand around waiting any longer, so to pass the extra time I had, I paced around the small cottage just to make sure I hadn’t left anything behind of any importance. 

The time crept closer to the fall of darkness until there was nothing left for me to other than wait in the depth of the trees.  I had learnt from the past that it felt better to be outside with the animals when it happened, having the company of something that I didn’t feel the need to attack made me feel more human inside.  I carried on walking further into the trees, knowing the familiar path I was taking.  A thestral trotted slowly in front of me, not even glancing my way.  The trees slightly parted allowing me to look up into the cloudless skies and my eyes met my greatest enemy.  The moon.

I began shaking uncontrollably, my body grew in length and shape to accommodate for the change.  Suddenly an unbearable pain shot through my skull making me to fall to my knees, and my eyes became blurry, causing me to lose my vision for a few moments.  Light grey fur covered my entire body.  Just when I thought I couldn’t bear the pain any longer it began to fade, from my stomach outwards finishing with my forehead and feet last.  I was sick of the same thing happening every month, but I have to accept it, there is no changing who I am.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, but they didn’t fall.  Why was I chosen for this awful fate?  Gathering up my courage, I walked hunched over to the lake I knew was nearby and peered over the edge to look at my reflection in the still water’s surface. 

I was unrecognisable, but deep down it was still me in my mind.  It’s the only good thing about the curse that it left my brain untouched; my mind was still human no matter what form my body took.  It’s probably part of the torture, knowing what I am and still being able to mull it over in my mind as I roam the forests until morning.

I didn’t know how long I had spent staring at my reflection, willing it to change, when something caught my eye from the surrounding trees.  I quickly turned my head to see what it was, hoping it wasn’t a human, even though I knew nobody would be this far out in such dangerous places.  A twig snapped under the intruder’s foot causing me to wince.  Any animal would have revealed themselves to me by now and not have stayed hidden in the green growth.

I took a step in their direction, my monster form giving me courage to investigate.  Whatever it is, I’m bigger and scarier and not going to take no for an answer.  Breathe, I tell myself over and over again in my mind.

The figure moved again, only this time into my view making me gasp in a barking sound.  The creature, only metres away, howled into the sky, then looked at me with deep brown eyes.  It was another werewolf.

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