Chapter 7: The Shrieking Shack

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The previous chapter has now been edited and the picture to the side is the actress who plays Brie :)

Brie’s P.O.V

“Brie?” Severus’ lips hadn’t moved, but I knew the question had come from him.

“Hey,” I said slowly.  My stoney expression and anger washed away instantly, leaving me confused.  He was in my parents’ house, but why?

“You’re dead; I- I went to your funeral.”  His voice was just over a whisper making a cold shiver come over me.  I bit my lip not knowing what to say whilst he carried on looking like he was seeing a ghost. 

“I was never dead,” I spoke quietly, shocked by his reaction.  I held my hand out and touched his left forearm where he flinched back in pain.  I instantly knew what it was.  He’d been marked.

“Come in, now,” he said roughly, grabbing a hold of my forearm and then closing the door with a bang.  “How is this possible?”

I stood there simply wondering how much I could tell him.  I watched him quietly.  His long black hair hung down his face complimenting his dark eyes.  He no longer looked fearful, just shocked.

“All of us joined when we left Hogwarts; apart from you.  Your parents said you refused to join the Death Eaters, so they killed you,” he started when I didn’t speak.  “I didn’t want to believe it, but they went into such details about the torture they put you through, it just seemed so believable,” his voice held no emotion.  It was like talking to a different person.

“They did?” I hadn’t though they would admit to actually killing me.

He nodded to answer me then carried on.  “All the Death Eaters went to the funeral, hell, even the Dark Lord turned up looking happy.” Severus sat on the sofa, but I remained standing.

It was news to me that Voldemort would even consider making sure I was dead and the fact he looked happy sure sounded like he thought I was.

“You can’t let him know you’re alive, he’ll kill everyone you know.”

I thought I saw concern swimming in his eyes.  I had known Severus my whole Hogwarts life, from our first day in Slytherin and I knew I could trust him somewhat. 

“I’ve been living in the Forbidden Forest.  My parents left me there.”

If he looked shocked before, it was nothing like it was now.  His mouth had opened in horror.  “You could have died!”

“That was the point, they were meant to kill me,” I paused to collect myself, but I was so angry at what they did to me I exploded. “But they were too cowardly, so they faked my funeral and left me out there to rot!”

I began to pace.  I couldn’t sit down and catch up with people, I needed to find the low life scum and get the whole thing over with.  “Where are they?” I growled.

“Out with The Dark Lord.  Dumbledore’s Army is out in Manchester planning an attack on a Death Eater base so they went to get rid of them.  They should be back soon, and you can’t let them see you.”

“Why do you think I came here?  To have a friendly chat?” I asked him nastily.

“No, but you have to leave.  Your dad, he will kill you if he sees you.  He changed after your ‘death’, became one of the most vicious Death Eaters,” he shrugged his shoulders. 

“I have nowhere to go,” I said without changing my tone.  Then a thought came to me, I would have to return to the woods.  That only scared me and made the fear seep out of my voice, “I’m not going back.”

A frown appeared on his perfect pale forehead; he was in thought.  Suddenly he looked happy, like a plan had come together.  “Well they will soon start to hunt you.  Go to the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade and wait for me to come to you.”

“They will never know I was here.  I hope you know I can’t wait for you forever.” He had confused me.  Voldemort couldn’t hunt me if he didn’t know I was alive, unless someone told him.

“There is a war going on.  It’s every man for themself and if I have to tell them where you are, I will,” he promised threateningly.  A sudden patter of footsteps came from outside and loud voices talking.  Someone was close to the house.

“Be thankful that I gave you a head start!” he told me urgently, his lips curling up into a cruel smirk.  I weighed my options within seconds.  I could stay and put up a good fight before they capture and kill me or I can escape, knowing that I will be hunted until found.  Severus was supposed to be my friend, but he had changed along with the times.  It had been a mistake to come here.  I closed my eyes as the voices became more distinct right outside the door.  The male was laughing at something.

In my head I pictured the small wizarding town near Hogwarts.  I hadn’t been there since my last school trip, but it wasn’t hard to imagine.  All my memories there had been happy.  I remembered a small old book shop that was closest to the Shrieking Shack and had it imprinted onto my brain. 

The front door had now opened and I could tell it was a group of people coming in through the door.  My eyes squeezed tighter together and I felt the horrible pulling sensation taking me to my destination.

~          *          ~

I took a deep breath mentally preparing myself to go into the Shrieking Shack.  It was just a few ghosts and it wasn’t like I was going to be staying there for long, just a few minutes until I came up with a plan.  I looked up at the old building and shivered.

Yesterday I faced a werewolf and today I couldn’t handle a few poltergeists.  You did run away, I hate it when my mind likes to remind you of the things you want to forget.  I began walking up the sloping hill, holding my bag on my shoulder as I went.  As I got to the door, it was locked, but the side of the wall had a large hole where someone had broken in before.  I placed my head through first and glanced at the dirty and broken insides of the mysterious place. 

Severus Snape would be next on my list of revenge.  I couldn’t tell if he had been serious about telling them about me, but I had to ask myself if I was willing to take the risk.  My answer would be no, I want to live especially since I already had against all the odds.

The floorboards above my head suddenly groaned under some weight making me jump.  Goosebumps appeared over my skin and my mind flashed images of what it could have been.

“Just the wind, don’t think about it,” I spoke out loud, hopefully calming myself down.

A light laugh came from behind me then followed with a man’s voice.  “But it’s not windy today.”

I will be updating this story every Wednesday from now on!

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