A walk through memories Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

"Doublebubble come and take a change of clothes before you catch a cold I wouldn't want to be responsible for that."Damien said leading me to the gigantic staircase and I followed closely admiring this beauty called house.

When we got upstairs he opened the first door and when we got in a whiff of Damien's sweet delicious scent hit me and I almost sniffed the air like Damien did when he got into my room,he's really rubbing off on me.

He led the way into the room and Holy Shit!!!

The room's got to be the most beautiful room I've ever seen.

The walls are painted royal blue with some gold specs,the massive king sized bed sat in its glory in the middle of the room the comforters are the same royal blue and the head rest is gold the bed is neatly arranged and I itched to jump on it but I don't want it to be wet cause I'm still dripping once I've gotten a change of clothes that would be the first thing I do.

The small reading table and the large one,the curtains the lamp everything in this room is beautiful and it's big not too big but it's like times two of mine there are four doors in the room which I'm guessing one is for the bathroom,balcony,closet and the one we entered through.

It's beautiful.

"Here it's a new one use that."Damien threw a towel at me and opened a door I think it's the closet,I followed him in and he hands me a folded black shirt and shorts and selects some pants and shirt for him self too.

"You can change in here."He said and left closing the door behind him.

I used the opportunity to admire the large closet.

Woah!! this is like another room on its own.
With the different variety of clothes,brand of shoes,wristbands,ray-bans,perfume and what have you.

I quickly changed into the shirt that reached me mid thigh and the short was a little bit bigger than me so I tied it at the end,gave one last look to the closet and got out I saw Damien already changed seating on the reading table and I eyed the soft looking bed....it was calling me...it is calling me.

I can feel the pull..


Woosh!! goddamn!

Is it soft??

Soft is a big understatement...I sighed this is heaven it scents like Damien,I hugged the comforters to my self they're so damn soft.

I wish I could stay here forever.

"If you're done romancing my covers you can drag your arse down here let's get started with your homework."Damien said and I trashed my legs on the bed groaning.

"Just let me savor the softness and warmth of this bed please.."I pouted at him.

"Nope! You're going to learn now or else you'll regret it tomorrow so get your fucking self here Diana."He stood up approaching me on the bed.
I thought of the consequences of not doing that assignment by tomorrow I fished my phone and checked the time it was already some minutes after 6 and I've not fulfilled my reason for coming here.
I groaned again and got up from the bed and wobbled my way towards the table.

I got my books and all necessities to learn and I was ready.

1 hour later I've been taught all the basics of Calculus and seriously Damien should become a teacher.

I did my assignments happily,I think I'll anticipate the next time Damien will teach me.

"Are you done eating your casserole..it's late already you need to get home."Damien said again and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to go home Damien."I whined.

"I don't want you to go too I enjoy your company but you have school tomorrow."He replied.

"It's even closer to school here,I can tell aunt Pat to give some clothes for tomorrow to Jonah and he'll bring it..please just let me stay the night."I really loved it here and no it's not because of Damien the house is just too beautiful and the environment is very inviting.

Keep telling yourself that Penelope.

Oh Shutup mind!

"Okok I'll show you the guest room."He finally agreed and I squealed.

A night at Damien Christopher keys house is a night in heaven.

A/N: Not proof read sorry. How was it?please drop your thoughts and correct mistakes thank you. See you in the next.

K-drama:The K2

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