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Koki Avila hadn't been to somewhere with anybody aside from his twin, or in some cases, with Rose. He is the type who hates the company of people he doesn't know, he'd rather be alone. But right now, he is in his car with two of his classmates whose names he had learned just recently.

He glanced at the girl at the backseat who is using her phone. She's casting him dark glances. If it is just an ordinary day, he could have thrown her out of the car.

"That's Malaya University Hospital," Caster pointed. Koki drove to the hospital's parking lot.

Caster spoke upon entering the building, "No need to check from the information desk, I already knew where to go."

"Wait, why are we here?" Ganymede asked, following them closely. They got into the elevator.

Caster pressed 5, and looked at Koki. "She's in the VVIP ward."

"Who are we visiting?" Ganymede asked again as they walk to the hallways of the VVIP ward.

They stopped in front of room 5020.

Caster knocked, then opened the door. It was bright inside the door, and a soft music is playing. They stepped inside, just as Ganymede gasped.

"Janeth!" she ran towards the girl who was equally shocked to see them. She's lying on her bed, with neck brace and her left leg in cast. She has bruises on her face and arms, but she was smiling when Ganymede approached her bedside.

"Why are you here at this hour--" she looked at Koki and Caster, then looked questioningly at Ganymede. "Did Mara sent you?"

"M-Mara? No, she's absent today," Ganymede sat on the chair beside the patient's bed. "What happened to you?"

Janeth's face became paler. She looked at Koki, "Why?"

"That's not why we are here. We need to hear something from you." Koki stood right at the foot of Janeth's bed. Caster stood beside him.

Ganymede almost glared at Koki but she looked at Janeth instead. "She's not well. Can't you two see?"

"What do you want to hear?" Janeth looked at Koki directly.

"What you know."

Ganymede looked back from Janeth to Koki, clearly not understanding what's going on.

"Let me do the interrogation," Caster said.

"And why is that?" Koki snapped, looking at him.

"Because you lack patience," Caster said while adjusting his glasses.

Koki would love to give him a kick, but decided he'll save it up for later. So, for the first time in his life, he let somebody other than Kiko and Rose interfere at him.

"Janeth, do you know who did that to you? Why you were hit by a car?" Caster started.

Ganymede clasped her hands to her mouth while looking at Janeth. "Y-You were hit by a car?"

Janeth slowly nodded her head, then wiped her eyes with her undamaged hand. "I really don't know who did it, but I have someone I suspect." She stared at the ceiling. It's clear that the idea is still haunting her, but she knew she has to tell it to others, just in case... "Yesterday, I was about to meet up with Mara because I wanted to ask for her help in.. you know.. clearing up my name about Hannah. It's true that I bully her through texts, but she did the same to me."

Koki made an impatient noise so Ganymede glared at him, but it was just quick.

"...I was at the taxi on my way to Reign's, our meeting place, and I was browsing thru my phone when I saw this conversation with Hannah asking me if I was the unregistered number threatening her. I ignored her then, and it passed. I only remembered it when I was checking my other message conversation. Th-There was another message from an unknown person, which happened to be the same person whom Hannah had mistaken to be me."

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