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The bloody uniform prank became the talk of the town for the next few days. At first, I was keen to tell those who were asking (even from the other classes) the details of the incident. But as the days go on, I started to get annoyed at narrating the same story over and over again. Mara and Ganymede seem, too, because they started yelling at those who ask them questions.

"It's stupid, really, feeling thrilled about that!" Mara said one lunch time when we sat near each other at the canteen and two second years asked us.

The only persons in the school who seem disinterested with what happened were, of course, the twins. But at least, Kiko had asked me how I feel last Monday.

It was Thursday afternoon, one of the very, very few miraculous Ethics class that Koki did not cut. I looked at him sideways, he's resting his head on his right hand while staring blankly on the board.

Sir Buskan is handing out our reflection paper while giving out mean comments to those who didn't do the activity properly.

"Andres!" He shouted as he folded Nate's paper and throwing it onto his desk, "How many times do I have to tell you that I will not accept an essay in Spanish!"

Some sniggered. Nate is half-Spanish and he sometimes makes fun of Sir Buskan by submitting papers in his mother tongue.

"Lo siento, Señor." Nate gave Sir a peace sign.

"Avila!" Sir Buskan roared.

I jumped of shock. Kiko stared back at our teacher calmly.

"I'm impressed with your reasoning. Well done." Sir Buskan's face hardened so as to avoid a grin.

"Wow!" I exclaimed as I took his paper to see the big 100 on it. "Wow!"


I looked at Koki. I see he didn't get his paper yet. Well, I don't like to think what Sir Buskan's comment will be. Heheh.


"Sir!" I sat up straight.

"My name is Clemente, not Cement." Sir Buskan glared down at me.

I whimpered, "S-Sir... Auto-correct--"

My classmates laughed but stopped when Sir Buskan glared at them too.

"S-Sorry, Sir." I took the paper from him. My heart fell when I saw the big cross mark on Sir's name, and a -5 beside it.

"And you, another Avila," Sir Buskan threw Koki's paper to him.

What, he doesn't have a comment?

I glanced at Koki's paper.

He had just written few sentences. There's no score.

Koki smirked and crumpled his activity, tossed it onto the trashbin, and continued idling.

"Kiko, may I read your work?" Caster whispered when Sir Buskan's back is on us.

Kiko handed his activity to Caster who murmured his thanks.

"Kiko," I called and he looked at me. "Why don't you put full effort in your studies? You can be on top, you know."

"Don't like." He said and crossed his arms. "There are many things better than the topnotch."

"Yes, but..."

I was not able to further my argument because an announcement rang on the speakers.


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