06 | Cooking with Jin

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Her and V had rarely spoke, exempting their first meeting at the kitchens table yesterday. Although she knew little about him, it seemed he was extremely close with Jay in a friendly; even brotherly way and so if Jay liked him, then she felt she could too.

Again there she goes trusting Jay. She didn't know why she put so much trust into a boy who she had only known for three days, if that, but she couldn't help it. It was as if both her heart and her brain was not telling, but screaming, at her to follow him; to trust him with her whole being... what was going on?

Amara snapped out of her thoughts when V had finally reached her, flashing her a large smile. "You're up early aren't ya, greenie?" He laughed at her fallen face, him too now realising how much the girl had come to despise the word. However, it was sticking until a new greenie arrives in her place.

"I couldn't sleep." She confesses to him with a shrug of her shoulders; lips pursed. She didn't exactly lie...

V shown a look of understanding as he places one of his large; dirtied hands on her shoulder. "Don't worry greenie, we all struggle sleepin' most nights." He reassures.

Instead of delving deeper into the matter, Amara thinks it best to change the topic of subject. "What about you then v, why are you up so early? I would think keepers earn the luxury of extended rest." She quirked an eyebrow.

V thought over her words for a moment, as if trying to understand what exactly it was she said. It appeared him, and many others, have yet to grow used to the girls formal form of speech. She had yet to learn the glade slang and it would be awhile until she does too.

"Uhm no." He laughed; shaking his head. "It's in fact quite the opposite ya see. Keepers, like me, have more jobs an' responsibilities. Hard job bein a keeper ya know, no rest for the wicked eh." He winked.

He didn't exactly answer her question, but from what he said, Amara gathered he was up early to prepare for yet another working day, so it was all ready when the slicers turn up for work.

At this, she frowned. "What about Jay then? He's still knocked out." She chuckles when she remembered how lost deep in sleep he looked this morning when she snook out. It would take a lot to wake him up.

"Ya do seem to have taken a likin' to our Jay haven't ya." He pushes his shoulder up against her own as he wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Amara rolled her eyes.

"It was just a question... I know for a fact already that Jin is up and in the kitchen, awaiting my presence as he cooks up a feast for all you boys and myself included." She explains herself.

V rose both of his eyebrows. "Oh are ya cookin' today? Fun." He only seemed to pay attention to the part about her spending her day with Jin in the kitchens. Noticing her silence, V went on to explain how things work around here since she has yet to grasp certain things.

"Keepers like myself and Jin are always up early. We have to prep for the long day ahead, whereas the shuckin' runners get to stay shacked up in bed till late mornin'. The wall don't open till then." Amara nodded in understanding, now realising why Jay, and Zart in fact, always slept in longer than the other keepers.

"Do you like your job as a slicer?" Amara felt herself question him. "Course I do, greenie. Wouldn't be a keeper for the sake of bein' a keeper." He chuckles as the two grow nearer to the kitchens. It seemed V wanted to accompany her there, since he would be getting his serve of breakfast anyway.

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