Chapter 11: He Said It First

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I fiddle with the radio station that starts to go static on the way to my parents. "Are you excited to see your parents?" Jensen asks me from the drivers side of his car. I eventually land on a station that isn't completely static. "Um, kind of. I feel nervous." I admit, leaning my head back on the seat. "Don't be. Everything will be fine." He reaches over to rub my knee. After a half hour of driving we finally pull on to my parents street. I notice the house instantly. It looks like nothing's changed. A light blanket of snow covers the front yard. Their driveway is full of parked cars. The 2 story house is lined with Christmas lights. The curtains to the living room are pulled back so you can see the lit up Christmas tree. I look up the the second story where the window to my old bedroom is and remember all the times I snuck out of the house without my parents knowing. "Wow, nice house." Jensen says as he parks on the side of the road just across from it. I smile staring at it. We get out of the car and grab the bag full of presents and desserts. "Ready?" Jensen look down at me as we walk towards the house. I nod my head. "As ready as I'll ever be." I think I've warned Jensen enough to not take whatever they say personally. I stare at the cars in the driveway not remembering them at all. I ring the doorbell and soon enough my mom answers it with my dad standing behind her. They look good. And also different. Older than I remember. "Olivia, darling!" My mom says leaning in to hug me. I hug her back and we step inside the house. "Mom, dad, this is Jensen. My boyfriend." My mom falls quiet but I can tell on her face that she's in shock. Emmi was right. My mom is swooning. Jensen shakes my dads hand as my dad asks if he's on Supernatural. To which, Jensen laughs and says yes and my dad instantly bonds with him which surprises me. "Your aunt and uncle are here. And your cousin Kayla is as well." My mom takes the red wine we brought and leads me to the kitchen with my dad and Jensen following slowly behind us. I nod my head and hear laughter coming from the kitchen. The kitchen is big, counters and appliances line the far wall with an island in the middle. "Wine?" My mom asks and hands a cup to both me and my aunt. Kayla's eyes almost fall out of her head at the sight on Jensen. I try not to laugh, but instead walk up to my little cousin. "Fan of the show?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah. Huge fan. Wait. You're dating Jensen Ackles?" She asks. I laugh. "Yeah, I am." I turn around and wave Jensen over. "Oh my god. My friends are going to be so jealous." She fiddles to take out her phone. I feel his hand on my lower back. "Hey. This is my cousin Kayla. She's a huge fan of the show." I turn to Jensen. "Nice to meet you." Jensen says politely. Kayla is stunned. "Here," I grab her phone from her. "Get together. Let me take a photo for you." She nods her head and Jensen stands beside her with his arm around her shoulders. I take 3 pictures on her phone for her. "Thank you so much." She says to him. "Also, I'm so glad you're here." She grabs my arm. I smile at her. "Here," I hand Kayla my glass of wine. "I'm not old enough to drink yet." She says as she takes my glass. "I know." I wink at her as we get called into the dining room.

Everyone sits around the dining table. I sit in the spot I used to sit in when I still lived here and it makes me feel nostalgic. Jensen is on one side of me and my dad is on the other. Kayla sits straight across from me with her parents beside her, right beside my mom. My mom puts on some light Christmas music to listen to while we eat and my dad carves up the turkey. "So, hows work going, Livy?" My heart skips a beat as I haven't been called that in a while. Only my dad was ever allowed to call me that. Jensen grins at me when he hears that. "Work is good. Except that I got into a car accident while driving the car they bought me. So now I'm car-less." I say eating my vegetables. My mom nearly spits out her wine. "You're okay though, right?" She asks from across the table. I nod my head. "Yeah, Jensen was there to take care of me." I decide to leave out the concussion part. I reach over and put my hand on Jensen's knee. Everyone asks Jensen a million questions. They're all so interested in the life of an actor. He answers like a champ, and I'm happy he doesn't seem annoyed with the questions. Surprisingly my mother hasn't brought up the runaway bride ordeal yet. But the night is still young. After dinner I help my mother clear the table and let everyone else continue talking. "It's nice to have you here, Olivia. I haven't seen you in such a long time." She says,putting the leftovers into the fridge. "Well, that was your choice." I say back, slightly annoyed that she seems to be putting it all on me. She says nothing. I put all the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. My mom heads back into the dining room and pretty quickly Jensen joins me in the kitchen. "What do you think so far?" I ask him. He smiles. "It's nice. Thanks for inviting me. When do I get to give you your present?" He ask with a pouty smirk. "Whenever you want to." I say back leaning into him, resting my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head. "Livy, come into the living room for a minute. Both of you." My dad says walking through the kitchen. I grab Jensen's hand and pull him along. My mom waits sitting on the couch. It makes me anxious. My dad gestures for us to sit down as he takes a seat beside his wife. We sit on the couch opposite them. The living room is layed out just as I remember. "We have a present for you." My mom holds a small rectangular red box with a bow on it in her hands. I stare at it, contemplating denying it. Our hands meet in the middle as she holds the box out for me. "What is it?" I ask, not opening it. I feel Jensen's arm rest on the couch behind me. "Open it." My mom prompts me with a smile. I take the bow off and open the small box, revealing a key. Not a fancy key. Not a car key. Just a single silver key. "A key?" I ask, looking back up at them. They're both beaming with happiness. "We're giving you the house." My dad says holding my mom's hand. "What?" I say in shock. "Sweetheart, we're giving you this house." My mom joins in with a big smile. "Wait. What? W-why?" I almost yell. "Your mother and I have talked about this for a long time now, and we're going to be moving to Florida at the end of January." My dad says very calmly. My jaw drops. They have always talked about moving down south where they don't have to worry about snow. "You're moving to Florida?" I ask to make sure I heard them right. My mom nods her head. "We don't really want to sell the house so we thought what better than to give it to our only child. So, if you want it then we'll call the lawyers and get the paperwork started. The house is all paid off so you wouldn't have to worry about a mortgage." I sit there in shock, not saying anything. I look over at Jensen who looks just as shocked as I am. "So, it would be my house." I say somewhat asking. "Yes." My dad replies. I nod my head. "Okay." I say quietly almost not believing that it came out of my mouth. "You'll take it?" My mom asks. I nod my head. "Yeah."

After I hug and thank my parents, I give Jensen a little tour around the upstairs, ending with my old bedroom. They really haven't touched it. Jensen laughs when he sees all the old band posters on the walls. I show him all the old photos that are still in the bedside table. "Oh, I haven't given you your present yet." He says. Jensen pulls out a long rectangular black box. "Please don't give me a house, because I already got one this year." I joke with him. He laughs, handing me the box. I open it to reveal a beautiful charm bracelet, already almost full of charms. "Its beautiful." I say taking it out of the box and handing it to Jensen so he can put it on me. He clips it together then spins it. "Each charm represents something we did together. This one represents the first time we met at Rich's wedding. The one is the time you took me to your studio for pizza. This one is when you started taking pictures of me that same night. This one is when you wouldn't let me go home so we watched movies and stayed up all night. This one is actually from Gen and Jared." I watch Jensen explain all the charms and the look back up at me. "I love it Jensen. Thank you." I grab him and hug him. "Well, I love you, so." My heart leaps into my throat. He said it first.

"I love you too."

We Don't Have To Be Ordinary - A Jensen Ackles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now