Chapter 29: Change My Name

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The next week, on Monday morning, I get up at 7. Jensen is already gone, of course. But I get myself ready. I have a plan today.  By 8, I'm out the door. It's sunny today, which helps me stay in my good mood. I take the subway for two stops until I get off. I head into the Starbucks and get two mochas.

When I get out of Starbucks, I look across the street to the familiar building I spent so much time in. I don't have an appointment so I walk right by reception as she's dealing with another person. I take the elevator up and walk down the hall. Knowing exactly where I'm going, I walk into the office and sit down. I knew she wouldn't be here yet. I place the second mocha on her desk and sit in one of the chairs and wait. After a few minutes, I hear heels clicking and I know it's her. She stops dead in her tracks when she walks in and sees me. "Olivia!" Her panicked face quickly turns into a grin. "Hi Jordan." I smile back.

"It's been a long time!" She says as I get up to hug her. "I know. I'm back." I tell her. "I can't offer you your job back." She says and I furrow my eyebrows. "I didn't come for my job back. I just came to see you." I tell her honestly. Although the selfish part of me did kind of hope she would have a place for me. She grins at my words. "Did you bring me a mocha?" She laughs as she grabs it off her desk. "Of course I did!" She takes a seat at her desk. "Wow! I missed you. And you bringing me coffee." I don't think I've ever seen her so happy before.

"What are you doing now? How long have you been back?" She questions. "Not too long, couple months. And I'm currently doing nothing." I chuckle as I say it. "Are you doing any freelancing?" She crosses her legs and I feel like I'm back at work sitting in a meeting with her. "Um, no." I shake my head. "Too bad. I'm looking for a freelancer to travel to LA for a shoot." She pouts her lips. "You don't have a photographer that can?" I question, wondering why she wouldn't send them. "She doesn't have her passport." Jordan explains. "I'm surprised. Wasn't it a requirement?" I smirk, that's what I was told. But I had mine regardless. Jordan sighs.

"Yeah, I guess I became kind of a softy once I had my kid." She shrugs. "You had a baby?" I'm more surprised. "Yes. Elsie. She's two and a half." Jordan pulls a picture up on her phone and shows me. "Oh my god, so cute!" I can't believe it. Then I see the big rock on her finger. "I'm so happy for you, Jordan." I add. "Thank you!" She grins back. "So if you decide to become a freelancer by Friday, let me know. I need someone in LA for Monday." She smiles. "I'll do it for you, Jordan." I agree to it and she smiles. Maybe freelancing is what I should be doing.

"Great. Just send me your business name by Friday." As I'm leaving the building, I realize this is going to be a lot more work and I first thought.

The next day I go to the Supernatural set with Jensen early in the morning. After a nap in his trailer, I pull my laptop out of my backpack and start working on a name and logo for my new freelance photographer business. I have no idea. Since it's nice outside, I go out and sit on the steps. I still need the WiFi from his trailer. I don't know if I want to use my name. Most freelancers do though. I google other freelancers logo as if that would help me. But it doesn't. It almost makes it harder because now I don't want to copy the great ideas they had.

I fool around with my initials in photoshop a little. But having an O as your first initial looks kind of silly as a logo. After a while outside, I go back in and then eventually put together a logo of my name. The door opening makes me jump and then I see Jensen. "Hello!" He grins. "Hi." I smile back, my heart still racing from being scared for a second. "What are ya doing?" He asks. He looks like his character, Dean Winchester. "What do you think of this?" I turn my computer around to show him what I made.

"That looks good. What would you do if you change your name though?" He asks and I'm confused but only for a second. "Why would I change my name?" I raise my eyebrows and he sits in the recliner across from the couch I'm on. "When we get married?" He clarifies, but I already knew that's what he meant.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I miss the proposal?" I playfully glance down at my hand and Jensen laughs hard. But now I think about if I were to change my name. Olivia Ackles. Thinking about it gives me butterflies.

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