Chapter 22: SOS

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"Do they still work?" He asks as I put the box down on the counter in Jensen's apartment. It still looks the same as I remember. "I have no idea." I'm kind of expecting them not to work. I don't know if it was because of the meltdown or the kiss, but he really wanted me to come back to his place. I pull out what was my go-to camera and try to turn it on. Nope. Nothing. "It could be dead." He's watching me. "Probably." I agree. He reaches into my box and pulls out my camera battery charger. He takes the battery out of my camera and puts in it then plugs it into the wall. "Let's see if we can charge it a bit." He puts his hand on my back for a second. I pull out another camera and to my surprise this one turns on. I look in my memory card and find some old pictures.

"Jens, come look at this." I call him back over when he walks to the fridge. I flick through old pictures of us at a party. I think this was Misha birthday. "Wow." He says. The camera shuts off and the battery obviously died. "I knew that would happen." I take it out and add it to the charger. My phone goes off in my purse and I grab it to find a text from Emmi. "Where are you?" She asks. I forgot I didn't tell her what I was doing. "I'm with Jensen at his apartment. Found my cameras." I put my phone on his counter. Jensen is cutting something up. "I'm sorry, what?" Emmi replies quickly. "We're just catching up." I text back. I have a little case full of memory cards in it too. I'm interested to plug those in my computer and see what's on them.

"Your apartment still looks the same." I say as I get up and peer into the living room. "Yeah, it pretty much is." Jensen says behind me. I walk through the apartment, glancing into every room. He turned his second bedroom into an office space. But what catches my attention is the artwork on the wall. Those are my photos from the convention tour. He has six of them blown up and on the wall. Some of the crowd, some of himself and the other guys, some of the landscape. I go back into the kitchen. "Nice pictures in your office." I say and Jensen looks over at me. "I know this incredibly talented photographer." He smirks. "Really?" I chuckle back. "Yeah, I can hook you up. I think she might still have a thing for me though." He jokes and I laugh.

"What did you do last night?" Emmi doesn't even say good morning first. "What do you mean?" I question, grabbing a cup from the cupboard. "You were with Jensen?" She shrugs. "Yeah. Nothing happened. Honestly." The kiss in the storage room was something different. "Nothing at all?" She doesn't believe me. "He made me dinner, we talked, then he drove me home." I shrug back to her. "No kiss?" Her eyebrows raise. "No." I tell her again. I spend the day back in the storage unit going through more things, this time alone. I feel like there's a lot of stuff I could get rid of But maybe I should wait until I find an apartment.

"Do you wanna go out tonight? We can grab a couple drinks, food." Emmi asks. It's Friday night. "Sure." I agree. Not because I really want to go out to a bar but because I feel like I should be doing more. "Okay! 30 minutes?" She seems surprised that I agreed to it. We both get ready to go out. All I do is change into blue skinny jeans and a black long sleeved shirt, and put some make up on. Emmi takes longer. I watch tv while I wait for her. "What are you doing tonight?" Jensen texts me. "Emmi wants to go out so I'm doing that with her. Don't know she's yet but I assume a bar. What are you doing?" I send back. "Me too, except with the crew." He answers quickly. "Wouldn't it be funny if we ended up at the same bar?"

And we do end up at the same bar. I laugh when I see some of the crew that I recognize. "Hey, isn't that Jared?" Emmi asks. I didn't tell her they were here. I turn to look and pretend I didn't see them before. "Oh yeah! Weird." Jensen must have just gotten there because he wasn't there before. "Wanna go say hi?" She asks. "No." I shake my head. She furrows her brows at me. "Are you sure? I don't care." She says. "No, I don't." I shake my head again. "Alright." She gives me a weird look just as the bartender drops off a couple more drinks for us. "Could we get a couple tequila shots?" Emmi asks the waitress. "Em!" I hit her hand on the table. "What? We can't have a shot?" She laughs. "Tequila though? Are you trying to get me drunk?" I question her. "You need to loosen up." She says back. "Tequila isn't the answer to that." I laugh back at her. "It is tonight." She grins. Emmi's friends happen to run into us there and I wonder if that was the plan all along. It's just a couple of guys. One of them I've met before and I know she's been seeing. I'm glad we're on bar height chairs and not in a booth because the other guy sits beside me and if it were a booth I wouldn't have an easy escape. We get our shots and take them.

My phone vibrates on the table and I flip it over to see a message from Jensen. "Who's the guy?" I smile. He's obviously spotted me. "I don't know. They're Emmi's friends that just happened to show up." I send back. Then I glance back at meet his gaze. "Come over here." Is the response I get. "No lol." I send back. I don't know why but I feel like it would be awkward. They all know that I left and I feel like I owe them all a hundred explanations. The tequila hits me quick and suddenly I'm chatty. It really did loosen me up. After some time, we all get another round of drinks and another shot is placed in front of me. "I seriously shouldn't." I push it away. "Cmon!" The three of them hassle me. "Stop worrying, Olivia! I'm taking care of you tonight." Emmi smiles at me. "You're just as drunk as I am!" I say and everyone laughs. But I take the shot with them anyways. What have I got to lose?

"Are you going to come say hi yet?" Jensen texts me again. "Nope!" I send back. "Are you drunk yet?" I glance over at him when I read that one. "A little bit." I send back. He looks over and meets my eyes then smiles. Jared looks over too and sticks his hand up and waves. "You know them?" Emmi's friend Joel asks. "Yeah." I answer. I look down at my phone when it vibrates. "Jared is coming over even though I told him not to." Jensen warns me. I look over and see Jared walking over. "Hey Livy." He stands behind my chair and puts his hands on my shoulders. The guys are the table look super intimidated by him. "Hi Jared!" I smile back up at him. "It's okay if I steal Olivia for a bit, right? You're not on a date or anything?" He says to everyone at the table. Emmi laughs and gives me a look. "Olivia will be back. Come on, sweetheart." Jared guides me off the chair and then puts his arm around my shoulders. The alcohol really hits me when I start walking. "Oh my god." I say to myself. "What?" Jared laughs. "I just didn't realize how drunk I was until now." I admit with a laugh.

"Look who I found!" Jared says as we approach the table of crew members. To my surprise, I'm greeted with a warm welcome. A lot of familiar faces. "What can I get you to drink?" Jeremy says. "Oh my god, nothing. I think I'm a few drinks ahead of you guys." I say and he laughs. Jared guides me with his hand on his shoulder around the other side of the table. "Fancy seeing you here." Jensen smirks as he stands up. He hugs me. I don't want to let go, but I do. Jared goes back to his seat and Jensen gives me his, then pulls up another.

"You're drunk." Jensen says. "How can you tell?" I ask with a smile. "Because I know you." He smirks back and I laugh. "Do you?" I play along. "Oh, I sure do darlin'." He assures me. "I wish I could stay, but I should get back to my friend." I tell him. "Your double date?" Jensen says it just to bother me. "It's definitely not that. They just showed up." I explain. Someone hugs me from behind and I turn to see Rob. "You have to have a shot with me first." He says with one already in his hand for me. "Oh my god. I won't remember tonight if I do." I know I've already had too many. "You have to." Rob shrugs as if I don't have a choice. I look at Jensen and he smiles. "Okay! Fuck it." I stand with Rob and take the shot. "Okay, I have to get back to my table." I put my hand on Jared's shoulder as I tell them. "Come back!" Jared says. "I'll try." I chuckle back. Jensen grabs my arm as I pass by him and stops me. "I'm going to take you home tonight." He says quietly. "I'll be fine." I tell him.

I walk back to my table. "How was that?" Emmi grins. "Good." I smile back. "I'm way too drunk though." I add and they all laugh. She's being all touchy feely with Joel now and that's how I can tell that she's drunk. I notice his friend beside me, whatever his name is, puts his arm on the back on my chair and I know that's going to drive Jensen crazy. After some time, they start talking about going back to Joel's place and I don't really want to but I feel pressured to do it since Emmi wants to. I grab my phone and text Jensen. "SOS." I don't even know if that will make sense to him. I don't get a reply quickly and I sigh.

I suddenly feel hands on my shoulders. "Hey darlin'. Ready to go?" Jensen says behind me. "Yeah." I'm so relieved. I gather my stuff. "Emmi, are you coming?" He asks. "No, she's fine." I answer for her and she smiles back. "You sure?" Jensen looks between us. "Yeah." She nods. I get dizzy when I stand and I grab Jensen's arm. He puts his hand on my back and steadies me. "Have a great night then." He says to my table. He must have already said bye to the crew. "Weren't you drinking?" I ask as he takes out his keys. "No." He chuckles. He gets me into his truck and I'm pretty sure I fall asleep instantly.

We Don't Have To Be Ordinary - A Jensen Ackles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now