Chapter 35: Walking Alone

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I stand at the side of the room while I watch Jensen and Jared talk on stage. The security guard beside me follows my every step. The boys insisted he stay near Gen and I for some reason although I know we'd be fine out here.

"Have you guys heard that Jensen is getting married?!" Jared says excitedly into the microphone and the crowd erupts into an applause. I can't help but smile and look over at Jensen who quickly looks back at me and laughs. "Thank you." He says into his microphone. "There she is! The future Mrs. Ackles!" Jared points over to me and Gen laughs beside me.

"Wave." Gen whispers to me as the crowd all tries to find me. So I lift my hand and wave awkwardly and the crowd cheers again - that's when I laugh. "Look at Jensen, getting all heart-eyed over her! Aww!" Jared pokes fun at him and Jensen shakes his head while looking at me, clearly getting a little embarrassed. Jared makes everyone ooo and aww and Jensen covers his eyes for a second as I laugh.

"Hi Olivia!" Jared waves playfully at me. I wave back. "Funny story. My son, Tom, loves Olivia. I talked to him on the phone last night, and the only thing he wanted to talk about is when Olivia was coming back next. Not me, who's been gone for two weeks. Olivia, who's been gone for a day." He says and the crowds laughs again.

This makes me think back to the last time I was at a con like this. I was a photographer for it. Now I'm here as a guest. I tuck my hair behind my ear to get it out of my face and look over at Jensen again, who seems to sense my gaze and also looks over.

Out of nowhere, that daunting question pegs my mind again. Who's going to walk you down the aisle? My initial answer is, myself. I can walk down just fine. But when I think of how I do at weddings, I question myself yet again.

"You okay?" Gen whispers to me. "Yeah, why?" I answer too quickly for sure. "You just looked worried." She answers. I glance back over at the boys on stage as they answer fan questions. "Do you think Jared would walk me down the aisle? Or is that weird?" I scrunch up my nose as I ask her. Gen grins. "I think he'll cry if you ask him that." I chuckle as her response. I can't imagine Jared crying.

When I hear my name from a fan, I look back over at the stage. A couple fans nearby are looking at me. "Did you hear that?" Jensen asks in his microphone. I shake my head no. "When will you be guest starring in the show?" Jensen asks with a smile. "Olivia, come here, come here." Jared waves me over. I widen my eyes at him and he grins as he continues to wave me over.

"Oh my god." I say as I reluctantly walk over. People guide me to the stairs to get up on stage and Jared runs over and grabs my hand. "Everyone, this is Olivia. Olivia, everyone." I laugh when the crowd waves and says hi. "Here." Jared gestures to his stool and I sit in it beside Jensen. "This is weird." I tell Jensen and he smiles back. "I'm sorry." He chuckles.

"Okay. Olivia, when will you be guest starring in the show?" Jared asks in his microphone and then puts it in front of me. "That's not up to me." I shake my head at him. "That's fair. Well after this panel, I'm sure you'll get a call." Jared chuckles and I look at Jensen. "Probably." Jensen nods.

"If you were in the show, what would you want to be?" The fan with the microphone asks. "Ooo! Good question!" Jared says, holding the mic back towards me. "An angel." Jensen answers and everyone aww's. "That gets stabbed with an angel blade." I add and then the crowd laughs.


In the morning, I have a call with the wedding planner, Kara, where we talk about bridesmaids and groomsmen, which makes me anxious again since I don't have many friends after being away for so long.

"What's wrong?" Jensen asks as he steps out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. I can smell the soap on him. "Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking. What do you think about me asking Jared to walk me down the aisle?" I want to know what he thinks before I decide to ask. "Oh my god. He's going to cry." Jensen scoffs and I smile. I didn't peg Jared for a softy. "I think that's a great idea." Jensen adds in agreement and I nod.

"Also, Kara mentioned that if you wanted a prenup-" I don't even finish my sentence before Jensen cuts me off. "No. We don't need that." He says sternly. "Okay." I cross that off my list. "Um, we have to decide how many bridesmaids and groomsmen we'll have." I look back over at him as he drops his towel to get dressed. Subconsciously I eye him and he smirks. Then I roll my eyes.

"I don't know, what do you think?" He asks. "I think I only have two friends so..." I trial off. "Okay, then two." Jensen says and I nod. "Okay. And you still have that week off, right?" I ask. "Of course." He nods and eyes me as he buttons his jeans up. I'm still in my pajamas, which is one of his shirts and underwear. He has a meet and greet to get to though.

"Have you even been dress shopping yet?" He asks. "No. Not yet." I shake my head. "You should probably do that, yeah?" He raises an eyebrow. "Do you want to come with me?" I grin back, already knowing his answer. "That's bad luck." He smirks. "I'm sure Gen would love to go with you. Or maybe Emmi? Have you talked to her?" He adds as he buttons up his plaid shirt. "Yeah, she's definitely into that." I nod back.

I grab my phone and see a text from Gen. "Lunch today?" She asks. "Yes. When is Jared's meet and greet? And can he meet me for coffee sometime?" I send back to her. She already knows what I'm going to ask him. There's a knock on our door and Jensen grabs his things, coming over to me. He leans down and cups my face as he kisses me. "I love you. See you later." He says as he takes off. "Have fun!" I say back.

My phone vibrates in my hands and I look down at it. "Not for a couple hours. He's on his way to your room. I think I freaked him out when I told him you wanted to talk to him lol." Gen sends back and I laugh.

Then realize I have to get dressed. I hop up and throw on blue jeans and a black tank top before I hear the knock on the door. I hurry over and catch a glimpse of my frizzy hair in the mirror before I open the door. "Hi!" I say. "Are you okay?" He looks concerned.

"Yes." I chuckle. "I thought we'd grab coffee or something but you can just come in." I tell him. When the door is shut, I start pulling my hair back into a messy French braid. "Gen said you wanted to talk to me so I thought something might be wrong. I know Jensen is at his meet and greet." He explains, looking around as if there would be some type of sign. "No, no. Relax. Please." I smile back. "What's going on?" He's so curious. And pushy. "Just let me finish this." I say as I feel my arms getting weak from braiding my hair. I tie the bottom of it and take a breath. "Sit." I direct him and he looks concerned again as he sits beside me on the love seat.

"I just want to ask you something but promise me you won't say yes just because I asked you. If you don't want to, I understand." I watch Jared's eyebrows furrow and wonder what he's thinking I'm going to say. "Okay." He nods once. "Would you walk me down the aisle? I know I can't do it alone." I finally ask and his face lights up. "Oh my god, Olivia! Yeah, of course! Are you serious?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah! Definitely!" He says again and pulls me into a hug. I tear up as he squeezes me.

I feel so relieved to know I won't be walking alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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