Chapter 15: Oh My God

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I wake up the next morning alone in my hotel room then I remember that Jensen can't stay here anymore. I have just enough time to get dressed. I tie my hair back in a mid-height messy bun and I put on black leggings, a long bergendy long sleeved shirt that goes just past my bum, and short black ankle boots. I grab my across the body camera strap and attach my favourite camera to it. I take a look in the mirror before leaving my room and laugh at myself. I look ridiculous. My cross the body purse on my left and my camera on the right. I head downstairs and meet Annabelle for breakfast. It's just her and I today. We eat in the buffet room and the head for a walk around the convention centre. When we get into the main room where the convention will be taking place, the band that apparently always plays each show is practicing their songs and getting the audio set right. I take a couple good shots of them. The singer winks at me as we walk away. "Wait photographer girl, come back!" He says into the mic while the band still plays. I turn around to face him and Annabelle is cracking up. He waves me over and crouches down so he's eye level with me as I approach the stage. "Are they good photos?" He asks. "What?" I reply, in shock that that's what he's questioning me about. "Did you take good photos of me?" He asks again. "Of course I did." I reply confidently. "I'm Rob. You're Jensen's girl?" He asks me. I look behind me at Annabelle who is still covering her mouth trying hard not to laugh. "Uh yeah. Olivia. How do you know that?" I ask him confused as the band stops playing. "I'm also on the show. Supernatural. I've seen you on set with Jensen." He replies. "Oh! Okay. That makes more sense. Nice to meet you." I shake his hand. "See you around, Olivia!" He stands up and goes to talk to the band. I make my way back to Annabelle who's still randomly cackling. We finsh making our rounds around the convention centre to meet some new faces and pick up our press name tags. Once we're walking down the long hall back to the hotel, I see Jensen and Jared standing near the front desk with what looks like bodyguards. "There are the stars." Annabelle says once she notices them. Jared turns around and sees me. He instantly elbows Jensen, who turns and waves. I pull my camera up from my waist and take a picture of them smiling together. Annabelle and I stop in front of them. "Nice to see you again." Annabelle says to them, shaking each of their hands. They greet her back. She pulls out her ever ringing phone. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow bright and early for the first day! Remember what we talked about." She says pointing to me as she heads towards the elevator. "So what are you guys doing here?" I ask them. "We were just seeing the green room and the behind the stage area." Jared replies. "Want to grab a coffee with us?" Jensen asks. I nod my head. I follow Jared to the buffet room with Jensen behind me. "You look beautiful." He whispers in my ear. I smile. We grab a coffee and sit down a table. I pull out my phone and answer a couple emails that I've already recieved from Annabelle. Then I pull up my camera app and put the front camera on so it faces me. "Hey guys, lean in." I call to Jared and Jensen. Then with Jensen model posing on my right, and Jared making a stupid face on my left I snap a picture and put it up on my Instagram with a caption saying "Get ready for this ladies", with a bunch of hashtags and tagging Annabelle. Not long after Richard and Misha come in and join us and we end up having lunch.

That night, there's a party at the other hotel that the cast is staying in and everyone involved in the convention is invited. I, of course, go with Jensen. I wear my little black dress with black heels and my hair down, straightened. We enter their ballroom and it's decorated with red and black streamers and balloons. I heard Jensen chuckle as we immediately run into Jared and Gen. "You look fantastic!" Gen says over the music. "So do you!" I reply. Jensen and Jared are swept away by coworkers and bosses so Gen and I mosey over to the bar and order ourselves martinis. "So how do you like working the convention so far?" Gen asks me. I nod my head, taking a sip of my drink. "I like it. It's a lot of work though. So far anyways. It'll probably change once we're on the road." She nods her head in agreement with me. "Yeah it definitely will!" She says back. "Will you be at every convention?" I ask her thinking about how that would feel, to just tag along everywhere. "Oh, no. I'll be here for this one, but then I'm flying to see my family for a bit. I'll be back for a couple more after that." She replies. "Well, look who we have here." A british accent says over my shoulder. Gen and I both turn and see Mark Sheppard. They hug and greet each other, asking about families and stuff. Once Gen's attention is grabbed by another cast member, Mark turns to me. "Olivia, right?" He asks, pointing at me with sarcastic eyes. "Yeah, and you are?" I ask with a grin. His face lights up and he playfully pushes my shoulder. "Shut up." He says. We laugh. "Would you like to dance?" He asks holding his hand out just as a slow song comes on. His question catches me off guard. I just kind of stare questionly at him. "I, uh, I'm not a good dancer." I shake my head no. He laughs. "That's okay. I'm good." He grabs my arm and pulls me off my seat, leading me to the dance floor. His hands rest on my lower back and I wrap my arms around his neck, still facing him. "Jensen really likes you, you know." He says smiling as we sway back and forth. "I know." I reply, returning the smile. "No, I mean. He like, really likes you. I haven't seen him swoon this bad before." Mark says again. It makes me smile. "Well, I'm glad because I like, really like him too." I say back, mimicking how Mark said it, making him laugh.

Annabelle comes almost running up to me when I'm sitting at a table with Gen and the boys. "Olivia, I don't know what you posted on your instagram but it's apparently everywhere! I'm getting calls from everyone about it!" She yells. "Good thing? Bad thing?" I ask her nervously. "Good thing! They love it! The convention is almost sold out now! You should be in PR. You're good at this." She yells then runs off again. I take a breath of relief knowing I'm not in trouble anymore. I pull my phone out of the clutch I brought with me and go on my instagram. "Holy shit." I whisper to myself when I see that over eighty-thousand people have liked the photo of Jared, Jensen and I. There are so many comments like, "who's this chick", "wasn't she in an episode", and "can't wait for tomorrow". Jensen leans over and touches my knee from under the table, pulling me back from my instagram shock. I look up at him. "You okay?" He asks me quietly. I nod my head. "Yeah." I smile at him and he re-joins the conversation with Jared and Misha. I look back down at my phone and see that I've gained two-thousand followers. "Oh my god." I whisper to myself.

We Don't Have To Be Ordinary - A Jensen Ackles FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن