Chapter 7: I Can't Wait

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"I love this movie." Jensen says as he puts his arm around me on the couch. I showed him my movie collection and he picked Saving Private Ryan, saying it's one of his favourites. It is a great movie, but there are at least 100 other movies I'd watch first. But he just looks so excited to be watching it. I scoot in closer to him, resting my head on his chest. He's so warm, I could stay here, like this, forever. Next thing I know, I'm in his arms being carried. "What? What are you doing?" I sleepily ask him. He looks down at me and smiles. "You fell asleep so I'm taking you to your bed." He replies pushing the bedroom door open with his foot. "Oh." Is all I manage to get out through the thick fog of sleep. He gently puts me on my bed. "Wait. Are you still staying?" He sits on the bed. "Do you want me to?" He asks back. I nod my head yes. "Then I'm staying." He smiles. I pat the bed beside me. He crawls over me, as I put my head on my pillow, then lays down beside me. I roll on my side to face him. He reaches his arm out and I crawl up on his chest. "Thanks for staying. You didn't have to." I look up into his eyes. "I wanted to." He kisses my forehead.

I wake up to my phone ringing. I roll over and grab it off the side table. "Hello?" I groggily say. "Olivia, where are you? You're late for work." It's my boss, Jordan. I look up at the clock on my wall. Shit. "Oh sh-" Jordan interrupts me before I can even apologize. "You sound terrible. Why don't you just take the day off. You can have a long weekend. Feel better." The phone goes dead. "What?" I say to myself. I'm not even sick. I almost forget that Jensen slept over. "Who was that?" He asks with his eyes still closed. I lay back down. "My boss. I'm late for work. She just gave me the day off. She thinks I'm sick." I roll back so I'm on his chest again. He sighs. "What time is it?" He asks, eyes still closed. "Like, 10." His eyes open wide. "I'm going to be late. I'm supposed to be in my trailer at 11 for hair and makeup." I sit up and he gets out of the bed. I make a fake sad face, pouting my bottom lip. "I'm sorry. But I'll see you tonight. Dinner. I'll pick you up." He grabs my head and kisses the top. I walk Jensen to the door and then lock it behind him. A couple hours later, I get a text from him.

"Can't wait for dinner." I smile.

"Me too :)" I text back.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Bored :( How's the filming going?"

"Good. If you're so bored you should come visit the set :)"

"Really? Am I allowed to?"

He texts me the address. "Wow, okay." I say out loud to myself. I throw my hair up in a ponytail, then head down to the parking garage. "Driving today?" The parking security guard asks me. I nod my head. Everyone in my building knows I prefer walking places, but the set is kind of far.  I hop in my black Jeep Compass that my work bought for me when I started. Photographers need to travel. It's exactly the way I left it, with my old green iPod plugged in to the USB plug. Half an hour passes by the time I park at the set. "Can I help you?" A man with glasses asks me as I enter. "Yeah, I'm looking for Jensen." I say. "Olivia?" He asks. "Yep." He must've told them I was coming. The man nods his head, checking me up and down. "This way." I follow him past a bunch of trailers. He motions for me to be quiet and then we enter a room with a couple cameras. It's set up like a motel and it looks legit. Jensen and Jared are in the middle, acting. Jensen looks adorable and it makes me smile. "Neat, huh?" I look beside me to find Jared's wife, Gen with her arms crossed next to me. I nod my head. "Yeah, I've never seen a tv set before." I whisper back. "They can be pretty intimidating, depending which side of the camera you're on." She jokes. I laugh. "Cut!" The director yells.

"You guys can take a break. Jensen, you have a girl waiting for you." He yells again. "Oh god." I whisper, embarrassed. Gen laughs, patting me on the back. "Welcome to the set of Supernatural." I make eye contact with Jensen and he smiles. "Hey." He says walking over, and putting his arm around my shoulders, turning me. "How was the drive?" He asks, walking me somewhere. "It was okay. I hate driving though." I admit. We reach his trailer and he opens the door for me. I climb in. It's like a very tiny house in here. Everything you'd need to survive is in here. "Wow. Nice place." I say walking further in. "Thanks. I have an apartment too. Just in case you thought we were going to have dinner here. It's much nicer." He smirks at me, shrugging off his jacket and laying it on the back of a chair. I laugh. "I figured you would." I take a seat on the couch beside the tiny kitchen. "Nope. Get up. I'm taking you on a tour of this place." He grabs my hand and pulls me off of the couch. He shows me where everyones trailer is. We walk into one of the other sets, that basically just looks like a warehouse and I see Mark Sheppard again. "Long time no see." He walks up to us laughing. I just smile and let Jensen do the talking. "You know she's a photographer? Have you seen her photos? She's amazing." Mark says to Jensen. "I haven't actually." Jensen looks down at me, intrigued. Mark walks away when another guy walks up. He looks familiar. Must have been at the wedding. "Sorry, but we need you back on set." He says to Jensen. I follow him back to the room that looks like a motel. I stand behind everyone and watch them chat about the lines.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy. One of the producers for the show." The familiar man from before stands in front of me with his hand out. "I'm Olivia." I shake his hand. "I hear you're a photographer." I nod my head. "I am." I put my hands on my hips. "What do you think would be better, taking the shot of a character on the ground from an aerial view, or from the side?" He asks and surprises me. "Oh, I don't know much about film production." I tell him. "I know. I just want your opinion. If you were to take a photo of it, what one would you take?" He asks, smiling. I think for a moment. "Well, that depends on what you're trying to portray with it. Do you want people to believe the person is dead?" He grins. "Come." I follow him out of the room, to the other room I was in that looked like a warehouse. "Misha, you're dead. Lay on the ground." He calls. Misha immediately drops on the ground in a dead pose that makes me laugh. "Okay, you're not that dead. Die as if you died in your sleep." Jeremy says again. Misha straightens out and lays still. Jeremy grabs a DSLR camera from one of the people in the room. "So I don't want the audience to know for sure if he's dead or not. How would you take the photo?" He stands beside me holding the camera. "Um, I feel like aerial shot would say I'm dead. So I would do it from the side. I think it would be more dramatic." I say. He passes me the camera. I crouch down beside Misha, who's looking at me, then pretends to be dead again. "Like this." I take a photo from an angle of Misha's body, so you can see half of his arm and the side of his face. When I stand back up Jeremy is grinning again. I pass him the camera. "I like you, Olivia. Stick around. I may need your help one day."

The rest of the afternoon, I watch Jensen in front of the camera and hang out with Gen. "I'll pick you up at 6." Jensen says just as I get in my car. "See you soon." I say back as I back out of my spot. It's only 4:30 now so I'll have an hour to get ready, once I get home.

I can't wait.

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