Chapter 8: Magical Night

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At home I straighten my hair, it's naturally wavy, and put on some makeup. I stare at the dresses in my closet not knowing which one to wear. My phone rings. "Hello?" I answer quickly without looking at the caller ID. "Hi Olivia. How are you?" It's my mother. We don't particularly get along, not since after my wedding fiasco, but she'll call every once in a while. "Mom, hi. I'm good. Why are you calling?" I ask, avoiding telling her I'm getting ready for a date. She would just rant on about that. "Can't a mother call her only child to see how she is?" I roll my eyes sitting down on my bed. "Yeah, but usually you call for a reason." I spit out. "I was hoping we could get together sometime soon and chat." If I wasn't already sitting, I probably would've fell. "What? You want to get together? With me?" I ask, shocked. I hear her snicker into the phone. "Yeah, of course I do. I don't know when yet, but I'll call you again." I suppress my laughter. Of course she doesn't know when. It's probably just a polite jester my father told her to make, that she won't actually go through with. "Okay, but I do have to go now mom." I stand up again looking in my closet. "Okay, bye Olivia." I toss my phone on my bed. Then my intercom buzzes.

I run out to the front door to answer. I can see a video of the lobby and I see Jensen standing there. I hold the buzzer button until he opens the door. Crap. I'm not dressed. I'm also standing here in my underwear. I run back to my bedroom and grab my white robe. He knocks at the door. I run back and open it. "Very casual of you." He says eyeing my robe. I let him walk in passed me then lock the door behind him. "I couldn't decide what dress I wanted to wear." I turn to face him. He looks beyond amazing. Looks so casual, yet so formal, with jeans, a black shirt, and a grey leather jacket. "I'll be back." I run off to my room. I grab a white knee high dress and three quarter length sleeves, with a swirly gold design throughout, so it looks more like a soft yellow than white. I add a soft pink lipstick to my face and head back out to Jensen. He's looking out the living room window. "Ready." He turns around at the sound of my voice. He smirks. "Good choice. You look beautiful." I feel blood rush to my face. I grab my black leather coat out of the closet, and put on black flats. "So I'm not that great of a cook, so I thought we could grab something." Jensen says as we're in the elevator. "Oh, can we get pizza? I've been craving it for days." I get excited thinking about the pizza. He laughs. "Pizza sounds great."

We head to a small pizzeria place just around the corner and grab a pizza. "Do you want to go to my studio? We can eat there." I suggest. He nods his head. "That sounds great." I beep my work card to get into the parking garage and direct him to park in my spot, that I very rarely park in for work. My studio is at the top of the building. We take the elevator to the top and I have to beep in again for the doors to open. I flick on the lights and turn to see Jensen's face lit up. My studio consists of a green screen, a white screen, and a room made out of black curtains, for people to change in. There is also a white couch, with a matching white coffee table, opposite of the black changing room. Paintings line the walls where the screens aren't. Jensen puts the pizza on the table. "Wow. This is your studio? I'm assuming you don't keep any cameras in here." He says looking around the brightly lit studio. "I actually keep one here with some lenses, in a safe." He follows me into the change room where a large mirror hangs on hinges. I grab the mirror and open it to the right to reveal a small safe. I open the safe and take out a camera and hand it to him. He looks like a kid who just got a brand new toy. He seems to know how to operate it pretty well. "I have one sort of like this. Not as nice though." He looks through the camera, focusing it, then takes a photo of me. "Hey! I am the photographer, you are the photographee." I joke with him. He laughs and hands me the camera. I bring it with me to the table where the pizza is waiting.

We finish the pizza in no time. Just as he's telling me a story about filming something with Jared, I raise my camera up and take a picture of him. He stops mid sentence to glare at me, and I just smile. "Oh!" I say, scooting in close to him. I point the camera at both of us and we take a selfie. We spend hours in the studio talking about life. He tells me about his family, and how he has a good relationship with them, but doesn't see them as often as he'd like. I tell him how my parents don't like me as much since the big wedding blowout. 

"Don't get out yet." Jensen says as he parks the car in the visitor parking lot in front of my building. I look at him quizzically. He gets out of the car and walks around the front to my door, open it for me. "Why thank you, kind sir." I bow as I get out, laughing. "You are very welcome, madame." He plays along. "Thank you for the great date." I take the arm he holds out for me as we walk up to the front door. "No thank you. You picked the food and the place." He says, looking down at me. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" I ask him, hoping he'll say no. He nods his head yes. I fake a sad face by pouting my bottom lip. He mimics me by making the same face. "Well, I guess this is goodnight." I turn to face him. He puts his hand on my side. There's a silence and he just stares into my eyes.

"Now would be the perfect time to kiss me, Mr. Ackles." He smirks at my comment, nodding. "I'm on it." Then he lowers his head to meet mine. I raise my hands to his cheeks, as his raise to my upper back. He tastes like the spearmint gum I gave him and it makes me smile. We part shortly after. The electricity of the kiss leaves me wanting more. I keep my hands on his face. "Do you.. want to come up?" I ask, searching his eyes for an answer. He nods his head yes.

Not long after we get up to my apartment, the clothes come off and we spend a magical night together.

We Don't Have To Be Ordinary - A Jensen Ackles FanFicUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum