Chapter 12: You're Better

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[One Month Later]

"Do you want to come with me?" I hear Gen ask me. I continue the email I'm writing on my phone. "Come where?" I ask her. She laughs. "To the ultrasound. Why are you so distracted?" I put my phone back in my purse and turn to her. "It's the lawyer about the house. We're finalizing the paperwork, and then it's all mine. And yes, I want to come with you." We walk out of the cafe to where she parked her car. "So, when are you moving in to the house?" Gen asks as we get in the car. "Haven't decided yet. I have my apartment until the end of next month. And I think I want to re-paint the house before I move in." I say grabbing my phone and responding to another email from another lawyer about the car accident. "You must be excited though." She says. I put my phone away. "Yeah. I'm pretty excited."

I pick up some empty boxes from the superintendent's office before heading up to my apartment to begin packing. It isn't long until there is a knock at my door. I open it to see Jensen with take-out and a bottle of wine. "This is a surprise." I say taking the wine from him. "I thought you might want some help." He says placing the Chinese food on the kitchen counter. "Yes, but food first." We eat at the table and Jensen cleans it up. I grab one of the boxes and secure it open with some packing tape. Jensen packs one of my bookshelves as I pack the kitchen cupboards full of things I won't use for the next month. "You must be getting excited by now." Jensen says from across the room. "Yeah. It'll be different though. Plus I'll be further away from you." I sit on the floor and look across the room at him. He stops packing and walks over to me, grabbing my hands and pulling me up. "I know. But I'll come see you all the time. And you'll have a car to come see me." He reassures me, pulling his fingers through my hair. I nod my head and give him a peck on the lips.

The next morning, I wake up alone and remember Jensen had to be at work early, so he didn't stay the night. I get dressed, in a brown pencil skirt and a white blouse and make my way to work. The sun is out today, the sidewalks dusted with snow. It definitely warmer today. I step into the Starbucks and wait in line for my usual coffees, thankful that Tom isn't there to hit on me today, and turn the corner to my work building. I take the elevator up with people wishing me a good morning, and then greet Molly, the receptionist heading straight for my office. I hang up my coat and bring my boss her coffee, sitting down to talk with her about the latest magazine shoot. I head back to my office to start editing some photos. About an hour into it, my intercom beeps. "Olivia, could you come into my office please." Jordan, my boss, more so says than asks. I push open her door and see people sitting at her desk. She smiles at me. "Olivia, I think you know these people." She says gesturing to me. The man turns around and I immediately recognize him as a producer for Jensen's show. "Jeremy! Hi." I shake his hand trying to wrap my head around why he would be here. He laughs. "Nice to see you Olivia. This is Annabelle, PR for the show." I turn to her and shake her hand. "Nice to meet you." She says with a grin. "Pull up a chair, Olivia." Jordan says gesturing to a chair in the corner of her office. I pull it up and sit beside Annabelle. "They've made a very nice offer. And I would've said yes, but it's up to you, Olivia, since you'd be the one doing it." Jordan says. I wait for someone to tell me the offer but no one does. "What's the offer?" I ask.

"Well, they've offered to have the magazine be featured all about Supernatural, if you would be willing to travel with them to their conventions to take photos for them. The magazine about Supernatural would come out when the tour is finished and would feature all the pictures you took." Jordan answer. I look back and forth between her and Jeremy. "Basically, they would hire you to be apart of their media team while they're on tour. Once the tour is finished you would be back here with me." Jordan says realizing I'm confused. "So I wouldn't work here anymore until the tour is over." I ask Jordan. She nods her head. "And you're okay with this?" I ask again. She shrugs but then nods her head. "The Supernatural feature would help us so much." She says. "So I would work for you." I point to Annabelle. She smiles. "Yes. This is what we would pay you for the full 6 months we're on tour, if you accept the offer." She hands me a piece of paper. I open it to see $55,000. I stop my jaw from dropping open. That's my salary for a full year of working here. "This is for only 6 months?" I ask looking back to her, folding up the piece of paper. "Yes." Annabelle says confidently. I nod my head. "Okay. I'll do it." I agree. Annabelle's face lights up. "Welcome to the team." She says, standing. Everyone stands up with her. I shake her hand again. "I look forward to working with you." Jordan and I walk them out and then we head into my office. "Jordan, are you sure you're okay with this? Who are you going to have take your magazine covers?" I ask her. "Jon's pretty good, Olivia. You're better. But he's good." She smiles at me then leaves my office. I sit down at my desk, immediately picking up my phone.

I need to tell Jensen. 

We Don't Have To Be Ordinary - A Jensen Ackles FanFicOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora