Patience grasshopper: 02

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Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day


Sometimes, I am on a hurry in the exam. The exam is always 45 minutes, but I think that this time is not enough. Therefore, I kept answering the exam in a hurry. I finished it in 15 minutes. May I say that I got many wrong questions. However, the next time, I took my time. I took a full mark.

Whenever I finish before the time with a great difference, I always know there are mistakes. Get that, there is always mistakes when I answer fast.

This is it in life. Some people just don't wait because something in there life has occurred. Believe me, it always gets better when you wait. Patience, grasshopper. There is always a solution to a problem. We just didn't find it yet.

Thank you guys for over 1K!  This really means a lot to me, and honestly, doing this book has changed the way I looked at life. It changed the way I see people. I hope it did for you. Even if I had changed one person out of 1K, that still means the world to me.
Love y ' all

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