From Lemons To Lemonade

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You're a winner. The tests if life aren't meant to break you, but to make you.
You look at problems in 2 ways: a knife that kills you, or a medicine that cures you. Even the medicine has a sharp taste in the start that we all taste but in the end, we are cured. When you see the medicine, don't say, "It tastes horrible". Say, "This will make me better"
So problems are like medicine,. They are put in only to make you stronger. If you head it with a positive attitude, the problem will be solved.
One of my favorite stories from chicken soup for the soul is when a women was bitten by a snake in her leg when she was hiking. She was paralysed in her leg and couldn't move it. She didn't stop trying as she taught herself how to walk again. If she had faced that problem that it was the end of the world, she wouldn't be the best Zuma teacher in America now.

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