Just Smile:19

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Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.


Sometimes, you are just sitting bored, doing nothing, or you just want to do something exciting. You see a shy person over there who wants to talk to you and get to know you, and you too want to talk to get to know that person. You are shy to say, "Hi" to a complete stranger. What do you? Smile. Make that person comfortable- you will suddenly find that person smiling back and their face will change from red to normal again. That person- you didn't talk to him in your life, yet a special bond is between you that you will never forget.

There was this girl I will never forget. Her name was Sara. We were in a garden when her car toy came on our picnic mat. She was embarrassed to ask us to return her the toy car, so she stood with her head looking at her feet and her cheeks bright red. I saw the expression on her face and realized her feelings, so I rolled the toy car to her and smiled. I found that she, too, was smiling. A warm smile from the heart saying, "I love you. Thank you." I will never forget this minute of my life- this amazing feeling that you have a special bond with someone- even if it is someone you don't know. 

Hey guys <3 Finished the exam today but I have another one tomorrow. I know, right? Totally bummer. 

Anyways, love you all so much <3

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