Let it go: 05

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Letting it go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anyone. It's just realizing that the only person you have control over is yourself.


People always say, "Let it go. Put the past behind you." 

The only thing we should put behind us is our old selves. Not FORGET our old selves, but rather see the mistakes and solve them. 

Everyone is flawed.

We might think that models are perfect. That they have nothing to be sad of. Actually, they do. But the thing they do have is control. What do they do if the pressure gets too much? Do they give up? Or do they have control over themselves and move on?

"Control" is a word we hear a lot. How do we have control over ourselves? We have to know that regrets and mistakes are memories made. Mistakes are the reason to be better. 

We have to know that people do horrible things for a reason. Bullies bully for a reason people might not know.

I am not saying to let go of the bully and put the past behind you and put a sock in it, but you can talk to someone, who can help you out.

Someone in your work or school is doing bad things to you? Let it go and try ti think how to face that person the next time. It may be your fault;  after all, we all make mistakes.


Hey readers <3

Thank you so much for making me reach over 3,000 reads <3 

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