Let it go: 06

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"No matter how much suffering you went through, you wanted to let go of those memories."
We usually hear the words "Forgive and Forget". I disagree with this, as how can we ever learn if we chose to forget our old mistakes?
A simple example are the quizzes that teachers give us. Why do they give us those quizzes? They give them to us so that we learn from our mistakes and get a high score in the final exam. This applies in life. For example, life has taught me to be myself or I will never be happy. At first, I met a group of people, whom I was never myself around; therefore, I was never happy. When I learnt my lesson and went to that same group, I found myself happier.
If I had chosen from the beginning to forget, how can I ever be happy with any other group of people?
My motto in life is to forgive and learn, rather than forget.

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